Project Central Administration>Permissions>Special Rights

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Here are Special Rights that can be granted.


Field Descriptions

Addresses - Can Modify - Allows the user to modify the Address Tab
Bill Review - Can Change Bill Status - Allows user to change the bill status on transactions listed on the Bill Review Tab
Bill Review - Can Move Transactions - Allows user to move transactions listed on the Bill Review Tab
Budget - Save as Baseline - Allows the user to save Budgets to baseline budget on the Budgets Tab
Can Manage Fields and Formulas - Allows the user to manage Fields and Formulas on the Overview Tab
Can Use System Chart-Packs - Allows the user to work with system Chart-Packs in Project Central
Contacts - Can Modify - Allows the user to make modifications on the Contact Tab
Contract - Can set amount - Allows the user to set contract amounts on the Contract Tab
Contract - Can Set Contract=Budget - Allows the user to set contracts equal to budgets from the Contract Tab
Contract - Can Set Level - Allows the user to set contract levels on the Contract Tab
Contract - Can Set Percent Complete - Allows the user to set percent complete amounts on the Contract Tab
Team Members - Can Modify - Allows the user to modify team members