Projects Administration>Permissions>Special Rights

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Here are Special Rights that can be granted.


Field Descriptions

Can Use Project Members Wizard - Gives the User/Group the ability to use the Project Members Wizard located at Project Administration> Projects> Tools (Toolbar)> Project Members Wizard.
Deny Allowable Date Ranges - This Special permission denies access to the Allowable Date Ranges option when Right-Clicking on the Project (PA> Projects>Project Explorer).
Deny Charge Levels - This Special permission denies access to the Charge Levels option when Right-Clicking on the Project (PA> Projects>Project Explorer).
Deny Contract Levels and Caps - This Special permission denies access to the Contract Levels and Caps option when Right-Clicking on the Project (PA> Projects>Project Explorer).
Deny Default Bill Status - This Special permission denies access to the Default Bill Status option when Right-Clicking on the Project (PA> Projects>Project Explorer).
Deny Expense Markups/Codes - This Special permission denies access to the Expense Markups/Codes option when Right-Clicking on the Project (PA> Projects>Project Explorer).
Deny Invoice Descriptions - This Special permission denies access to the Invoice Descriptions option when Right-Clicking on the Project (PA> Projects>Project Explorer).
Deny Invoice Filters - This Special permission denies access to the Invoice Filters option when Right-Clicking on the Project (PA> Projects>Project Explorer).
Deny Invoice Posting Groups - This Special permission denies access to the Invoice Posting Groups option when Right-Clicking on the Project (PA> Projects>Project Explorer).
Deny Labor Code Groups - This Special permission denies access to the Labor Code Groups option when Right-Clicking on the Project (PA> Projects>Project Explorer).
Deny Rate Schedules - This Special permission denies access to the Rate Schedules option when Right-Clicking on the Project (PA> Projects>Project Explorer).
Deny Revenue Recognition/Profit Centers - This Special permission denies access to the Revenue Recognition/Profit Centers option when Right-Clicking on the Project (PA> Projects>Project Explorer).
Deny Time Sheet Comment Templates - This Special permission denies access to the Time Sheet Comment Templates option when Right-Clicking on the Project (PA> Projects>Project Explorer).
Edit UDFs - When checked, the user can define user-defined fields.
Modify Project Level Labels - When checked, the user can change the labels for project levels.