Standard Toolbar Options

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The InFocus Toolbar is dynamically built in accordance with the active applet on the screen. That being said, the following menu options are always available.



Toolbar Options


File - Give the following options:
oDashboard - Brings up the Dashboard. More on Dashboards.
oNew - Creates a new record.
oSave - Saves current changes to the record.
oDelete - Deletes the currently loaded record.
oLogout - Logs the user out of InFocus.
oExit - Closes out of InFocus completely.


Help - Gives the following options:
oChange Password - Allows the currently logged in user to change their password.
oAbout - Displays current InFocus application information
oManual - Opens a web version of the InFocus User Manual.
oSupport - Opens the following options:
Clearview Support - Launches Clearview Support.
Personal Support Key - Launches Clearview Support, bypassing login with a generated user support key
Webex - Launches Clearview Support remote assistance via WebEx


New -  Creates a new record.
Copy - Copies the currently loaded record, prompting for the information needed to create the new record (e.g. New Code, New Name, etc.)
Save - Saves the currently loaded record.
Delete - Deletes the currently loaded record.
UDF Designer - Brings up the UDF Designer. More on User Defined Fields.
Print All "Applet Name" - When clicked, the user is directed to the Applet List report. Each of the Master File Applets have a "List Report" that gives you a quick printout of the data.