InFocus UI Basics

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The InFocus User Interface (UI) is designed to be a user-friendly work environment. Below are the major features of the UI.



General Navigation


InFocus utilizes a Module>Applet approach where the Module represents the area of core functionality and the Applet the on-screen activities. For purposes of this manual, InFocus locations are referenced as follows (for example): Project Management>Project Central. InFocus navigates from left to right: When selecting a Module>Applet, InFocus displays the interactive contents (Tabs, Buttons, Grids, etc) of the selected applet. The InFocus main screen additionally supports Split Tab making it easy for users to cross reference work or view applet information side by side. Additionally, many InFocus screens contain hyperlinks which allow you to quickly navigate to a specific record.




Favorites allow you to pin applets and key reports to the main menu. Favorited applets also support Open on Login. More on working with Favorites