UDF Fields Tab Administration>UDF Designer

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The UDF is where all UDFs are managed.



Field Descriptions

Label - This is the field label that will appear on the form next to the field.
Name -  This is the name of the field as it will appear in the associated UDF table in the database. Names cannot include punctuation marks (including spaces).
Data Type - Type of data that is expected. Choices include Character (text), Integer, Numeric, Boolean (true/false), Date, and Date Time (includes both date and time).
Default - Default value for new records (optional).
Min - Minimum allowed value (optional).
Max - Maximum allowed value (optional).
List - UDF List to use for quick entry. More on UDF Lists
Validation Script - A field has been added to the UDFs called Validation Script. The purpose of this field is to validate the value entered into the UDF field via SQL script.
oThe script can use two variables:
^udfvalue^ (the value being validated)
^keyid^ (the primary key of the record holding the udf)
oThe SQL script must return at least three values:
reterr (>=0 equals no error, <0 equals error)
retmsg (the error message if reterr <0)
retvalue (this can either be the same as the value passed in or it can be a new value. In either case, whatever is returned will be the value in the UDF field.
Display Format - Display Format controls the output format of the UDF. Here is a list of a few built in formats that can format data. Just put the number and the brackets (ex. {1} ) in the column and hit save.  The result will show the ID.
o{1} - ID
o{2} - Code
o{3} - Name Path
o{4} - LongName
oDate, Currency and Numeric formats are supported.