User-definable (UDFs) Tables can be created for Clients, Employees, Vendors, Projects, Project Level2 and Contacts. UDF Tables are used to create tables to hold important information that you would like to collect and associate with one of the previously listed applets.
The UDF Table Designer helps you create a UDF Table that can then be used in the standard UDF as an interface to hold data and A UDFs Designer allows you to create UDFs that will be used in the Clients, Employees, Vendors, Projects, Project Level2 and Contacts applets.
Field Descriptions
The following fields are located on the UDF Tables Toolbar
• | Import Table - The Import Table button allows you to import an already existing z_ table into the UDF Table Manager. Note: All custom tables must have a pre-fix of z_ so that they do not get deleted during a version upgrade. |
• | New - Creates a New UDF Table |
• | Save - Saves the current progress of the UDF Table you are working on. |
• | Delete - Deletes the Currently selected UDF Table. Note: This action cannot be undone! |
The following fields are the fields available in the UDF Table Workspace.
• | Tables - List of the UDF Tables that have been created and/or imported. |
• | Display Name - The Name that will appear when selecting the UDF Table in the UDF Designer and the Layout Manager. |
• | Database Name - The Name of the Table as seen from the Database (ie. The name you would use when writing a query for this table). |
Columns Tab
• | Name - This is the name of the field as it will appear in the associated UDF table in the database. Names cannot include punctuation marks (including spaces). |
• | Caption - This is the field label that will appear on the form next to the field. |
• | Data Type - Type of data that is expected: Character, Integer, Numeric, Boolean (True/False), Date, Date Time (includes both date and time), Long Text, Bill Status, Client, Employee, Expense Code, G/L Base Code, Labor Code, Org Unit, Project and Vendor. |
o | Note: Bill Status, Client, Employee, Expense Code, G/L Base Code, Labor Code, Org Unit, Project and Vendors all give you selections from the respective areas when selected. For example, if you use a Data Type of Employee, the UDF will be a look-up containing the list of Employees. |
• | Size - Size of the Datatype (optional). Used to limit the size of the data that can be entered. |
• | Identity - ID Field. This is used to create a unique key value for this table. |
• | Hidden - When checked, the column will be hidden when used. Typically this is checked with an Identity column. |
• | Allow Null - Allows a blank value to be stored in the field. |
• | Cascade Action - When the value is linked to another objetc (for example, Project, Employee, etc.) The behavior of what you want the cell to store. |
• | Applet Key Field - When checked, the grid will filter by the pulled up record in the location that the UDF Table is used. For Example, If this is used to record certifications per employee, you will check this box so that you will only see the records for the Employee that you are looking at. |
• | Default Value - Default value for new records (optional). |
• | Read Only - When checked, this value cannot be edited. |
• | Required - When checked, the field will require a value when saving. |
• | Auto Sum - When selected, a sum will be displayed for this column. |
• | Multi Line - Allows the cell to have multiple text line in the Layout Manager. |
Data Tab
The Data Tab is where you establish the "Edit-ability" you want users to have with the Table, Additionally, you can view the data that currently exists in the table.
• | Allow Insert - Allows users to insert a new data row into the table. |
• | Allow Update - Allows users to update current data that exists in the table. |
• | Allow Delete - Allows users to delete data rows from the table. |
• | Fit Column - Stretches the table to fill up all of the remaining space in its current location. |
• | Load Data - Loads the current contents of the grid. |
• | Update Gridget - After creating the Columns and setting the Edit-ability, click "Update Gridget" to build the Gridget with the correct columns and settings. |
Steps to Creating & Using UDF Tables
1. | Create a UDF Table - Using the UDF Table Designer, create the UDF Table to the specifications of what you need. |
2. | Create a UDF - Create a UDF Field in the area that you want to use it. The UDF has to have a Data Type of Gridget and you must select the Table you just created in the "Gridget" column. |
3. | Use the Layout Manager to insert the UDF Table into the location that you would like to use it. |