User Sessions Administration>User Sessions

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User Sessions allow InFocus administrators to view login history and associated activity for users in InFocus. While, this feature is most useful for determining who's logged in at a given time, the applet can be configured to allow further insight to a user's session history and per-session events. More on User Sessions




Description - By default, permissions to this applet are not allowed. Please ensure the following configurations to deploy this applet.


Description - Check the appropriate permissions via Administration>Permissions. As a best practice, these administrative features should only be allowed to those in an administrator group.


Global Settings

Description - Once permissions have been granted, please review and configure the following Global Settings as appropriate via Administration>Global Settings>General Tab.

Field Definitions

Enable Sessions - Enables the Session History pane which reflects a login history for a selected user
Enable Session Detail - Enables the Session Events pane which reflects the events of a selected session
Cycle - Sets the Auto-Refresh cycle time frame in seconds (e.g. 60 = Applet refreshes each minute).




Description - Administrators with appropriate configuration, can view an event-level history of an InFocus User.

Browse to Administration>User Sessions. At a minimum, the Users pane will display each users login status and last check-in.
To view the Session History for the listed User: Select a User from the list by clicking the row. The selected user's Session History will be displayed.
To view the events of a given session: Select the Session in the Session History Tab. The events of that session will display in the Session Events tab.



User Session Field Definitions

User Sessions Toolbar

Refresh - Clicking this refreshes the applet
Purge Inactive Session History - Click to remove the history of inactive users listed in the Users Pane. Purged History cannot be rebuilt.
Session Tracking Enabled label - Reflects Global Settings configuration Enable Sessions (described above)
Session Events Enabled label - Reflects Global Settings configuration Enable Session Detail (described above)


Users Pane

Grid Fields

Description - Below is a list of required fields in alphabetical order. Additional fields can be added/removed from the detail using the column chooser (gear icon) in the upper left of the detail grid. All fields can be reordered in the grid.

Logged In - Reflects the user's logged in status
User Name - User Name

Standard Column Fields

Description - Fields can be selected using the column chooser (gear icon) in the upper left of the detail grid.

Active Sessions - Number of active sessions for the user. While typically this will be 1, users can be logged into multiple InFocus sessions at once.
Code - InFocus Employee Code associated with the user
IPAddr - IP Address associated with the user session
Last Check In - Last reported check for all user sessions
Last Seen - Difference between the last reported check in and the current date/time
Machine Name - Computer name associated with the user session
Name - InFocus Employee Name associated with the user
OSVer - Version of operating system for the computer associated with the user session
Session Last Report - Date of last session report
Session Start - Date the session started


Session History Pane

Description - Below is a list of required fields in alphabetical order. Additional fields can be added/removed from the detail using the column chooser (gear icon) in the upper left of the detail grid. All fields can be reordered in the grid.

Grid Fields

Active - Reflects if the selected user's session is active
Session ID - Internal ID counter of the user's session history
Start (UTC) - Start time of the session

Standard Column Fields

Description - Fields can be selected using the column chooser (gear icon) in the upper left of the detail grid.

Computer - Computer name associated with the session
IP - IP Address associated with the session
Is Active - Reflects if the selected user's session is active
Last Report (UTC) - Last reported check in for the individual session
OS Version - Version of operating system for the computer associated with the session
Session Code - Unique code for the session


Session Events Pane

Description - Below is a list of required fields in alphabetical order. All fields can be reordered in the grid.

Grid Fields

Applet - InFocus applet associated with the event
Event type - Event reported
oLoad - Applet load
oOpen - InFocus Opened
oClose - InFocus Closed
Date - Date stamp of the event