Work Orders Project Management>Work Orders

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Work Orders are a tool that can be used by project leaders to communicate with team members what their specifi. Work Orders are usually an assignment of work to be accomplished, but can also be requests to internal employees for quotes.  Work Orders contain meta-data ranging from Projects, Employees and Job Titles to Documents, Time Entry and Transition History.


Key Concepts

Work Orders provide a number of benefits:

Work Orders allow for time collection without the knowledge of WBS paths. If used extensively, employees do not need to know anything about WBS paths, labor codes, or job titles. This makes time entry far simpler.
Work Orders also allow project managers to construct project plans that fit the project rather than conforming to some strict generic company-wide coding system.
Work Orders are proactive when used in place of emails. They alleviate much of the time transfer work that goes on after time collection.
Small units of work can be managed without changing the project plan. Work Orders can be set to demand that Estimates to Complete be provided by the employee when citing the work order during time sheet collection.
Budgets can be assigned to work orders so that the project manager can analyze performance when maintaining the plan.
Work Orders Work in conjunction with Process Templates to create stages that a Work Order Must go through to completion. More on Process Templates



The InFocus Toolbar is dynamically built in accordance with the active applet on the screen. More on Toolbar Options


Additional Toolbar Options

Aside from the standard toolbar options this applet has the following options:

Process (Description)
oNew [Process] - When you have selected a Process Type in the Process Types Drop-down, you will be able to create a New Process Type of that selection.
oDelete [Process] - When you have selected a Process Type in the Process Types Drop-down, you will be able to delete the selected Process Type.
New - The New button on the toolbar creates a new Work Order.
Save - The Save button saves the current work order, but maintains focus on the new Work Order.
Save / New - The Save / New button saves the current work order, the blanks out the Work Order form to start a new Work Order.
Delete - Deletes the selected Work Order.
Refresh - Refreshes the Grid View grid.


Other Options

Work Orders has a couple other options that are used when filtering & searching Work Orders

Assigned to Me - When selected, Only Work Orders assigned to the Logged in user will show in the Grid/Card Views.
Over Due - When selected, only Work Orders that are past the "Estimated Finish Date" on the Work Order.
Include Complete - When selected, Work Orders that have a status of Complete will show in the Grid/Card Views.
Include Closed - When selected, Work Orders that have a status of Closed will show in the Grid/Card Views.
Search Box - Text Search that seaches the Text, Comments and IS's of all Work Orders.