Work Detail Screen Project Management>Work Orders

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The Work Order Detail Screen is where the detail for a work order is entered. It is accessed by clicking on the New button in the Work Orders screen, or by double-clicking on a work order in the Navigator List.


Info Tab

Subject - A summary of what the Work Order is for.
Description - A detailed description of what the Work Order is for.


Stage - Stage of the Process Instance that the Work Order is in.


Estimated Start - Estimated start date of work order. (Calculator - If Estimated Hours and End Date are filled in the Start Date can be Calculated)
Estimated Finish - Estimated completion date of work order. (Calculator - If Estimated Hours and Start Date are filled in the End Date can be Calculated)
Estimated Hours - Estimate hours required for work order. (Calculator - If Estimated Start and End Date are filled in the Estimated Hours can be Calculated. Using Hours Per Day)
ETC Date - Estimated Completion Date
ETC Hours - Estimated to Complete as of the last time entry. Note: By default it starts as the same number as the Estimated Hours
Hours Per Day - Work Hours per day


Project - Project WBS for which the work order is intended. More on Projects
Employee - Assigned employee. More on Employees
Job Title - Default job title. Can be overridden at time sheet entry. More on Job Titles
Labor Code - Default labor code. Can be overridden at time sheet entry. More on Labor Codes
Bill Status - Default bill status. Can be overridden as time sheet entry.
Score - User Definable Difficulty Score.


Custom Fields

Custom Fields created on the Custom Fields Tab in Process Templates show up here. More on Process Templates> Custom Fields Tab


Chat Tab

The Chat tab is where anyone assigned to the Work Order can carry on a conversation
Right-Clicking on a comment gives you the ability to Copy, Mark Unread or Delete a comment
Chat supports Markdown

To Do Tab

The To Do tab allows for the creation of a "punch-list" of To Dos associated with the Work Order.
Check the Complete box to "strike through" the To Do.

Tags Tab

The Tags tab you to Tag the Work Order with the predetermined list of Tags from the Process Templates applet. More on Process Templates> Tags Tab
To add new To Dos, you must add them to the Process Template.

Time Tab

The Time tab allows you to enter time against the Work Order.
Allows you to select the Date, Hours, Minutes and the Time Type (Regular & OT).
You can add Time Sheet comments.
Auto Reduce ETC Hours - When selected, the ETC Hours will be reduced by the hours entered on the Time Sheet.
Show All Time - When selected, All Time entered against the specific Work Order will be shown in the Time Grid.

Documents Tab

The Documents tab allows you to associate Documents with the specific Work Orders.

Subscribers Tab

The Subscribers Tab allows you to assign individuals to a Work Order who are not going to be assigned to it.

History Tab

The History Tab shows the Historical movement from one stage to another within a Process.
Note: When you move a Work Order to a new Process Instance, the History Tab is blanked out.