The Work Order Detail Screen is where the detail for a work order is entered. It is accessed by clicking on the New button in the Work Orders screen, or by double-clicking on a work order in the Navigator List.
Info Tab
• | Subject - A summary of what the Work Order is for. |
• | Description - A detailed description of what the Work Order is for. |
• | Stage - Stage of the Process Instance that the Work Order is in. |
• | Estimated Start - Estimated start date of work order. (Calculator - If Estimated Hours and End Date are filled in the Start Date can be Calculated) |
• | Estimated Finish - Estimated completion date of work order. (Calculator - If Estimated Hours and Start Date are filled in the End Date can be Calculated) |
• | Estimated Hours - Estimate hours required for work order. (Calculator - If Estimated Start and End Date are filled in the Estimated Hours can be Calculated. Using Hours Per Day) |
• | ETC Date - Estimated Completion Date |
• | ETC Hours - Estimated to Complete as of the last time entry. Note: By default it starts as the same number as the Estimated Hours |
• | Hours Per Day - Work Hours per day |
• | Bill Status - Default bill status. Can be overridden as time sheet entry. |
• | Score - User Definable Difficulty Score. |
Custom Fields
Chat Tab
• | The Chat tab is where anyone assigned to the Work Order can carry on a conversation |
• | Right-Clicking on a comment gives you the ability to Copy, Mark Unread or Delete a comment |
To Do Tab
• | The To Do tab allows for the creation of a "punch-list" of To Dos associated with the Work Order. |
• | Check the Complete box to "strike through" the To Do. |
Tags Tab
• | To add new To Dos, you must add them to the Process Template. |
Time Tab
• | The Time tab allows you to enter time against the Work Order. |
• | Allows you to select the Date, Hours, Minutes and the Time Type (Regular & OT). |
• | You can add Time Sheet comments. |
• | Auto Reduce ETC Hours - When selected, the ETC Hours will be reduced by the hours entered on the Time Sheet. |
• | Show All Time - When selected, All Time entered against the specific Work Order will be shown in the Time Grid. |
Documents Tab
• | The Documents tab allows you to associate Documents with the specific Work Orders. |
Subscribers Tab
• | The Subscribers Tab allows you to assign individuals to a Work Order who are not going to be assigned to it. |
History Tab
• | The History Tab shows the Historical movement from one stage to another within a Process. |
• | Note: When you move a Work Order to a new Process Instance, the History Tab is blanked out. |