Add Columns to Allocations

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Module:  Project Management    

Applet:  Project Planning


Description: Adding Columns to Project Planning.

To Add colums  - You can designate what columns appear and create calculated columns. To add columns to this window, First select the Mode you would like to be looking at (Labor, ODC, OCC, or ICC).  Then select the Columns button (Fig.2) and select the items that you would like displayed from the list.


Columns List & Descriptions Below






Labor Alloc Amount - Allocated dollars. Read only. Accumulated from resource allocations.
Labor Alloc Hours - Allocated hours. Read only. Accumulated from resource allocations.
Labor Bgt. Amount - Budget dollars. Manually entered or automatically populated from Roll-up.
Labor Bgt. Amount PCT - Percent total of the labor budget amount in relation to its parent node.
Labor Bgt. Hours - Budget hours. Manually entered or automatically populated from Roll-up.
Labor Bgt. Hours PCT - Percent total of the labor budget hours in relation to its parent node.
Labor Budget PC - Labor budget percent complete.
Labor ETC Amount - Estimate to complete dollars. Read only. Accumulated from resource allocations.
Labor ETC Hours - Estimate to complete hours. Read only. Accumulated from resource allocations.
Labor Scheduled Amount - Labor scheduled amount.
Labor Scheduled Amount Forward - Labor scheduled amount from the As of Date forward.
Labor Scheduled Hrs - Labor scheduled hours.
Labor Scheduled Hrs Forward - Labor scheduled hours from the As of Date forward.
Labor Used Amount - Used dollars. Read only. Accumulated from project transactions. Calculations are through the specified As Of Date.
Labor Used Amount Prev- Labor scheduled amount from the As of Date backward.
Labor Used Hours - Used hours are Read Only. Accumulated from project transactions. Calculations are through the specified As Of Date.
Labor Used Hours Prev- Labor scheduled hours from the As of Date backward.




ODC Alloc Amount - Allocated dollars. Read only. Accumulated from resource allocations.
ODC Alloc Units - Allocated units. Read only. Accumulated from resource allocations.
ODC Bgt. Amount - Budget dollars. Manually entered or automatically populated from Roll-up.
ODC Bgt. Amount PCT- Percent total of the ODC budget Amount in relation to its parent node.
ODC ETC Amount - Estimate to complete dollars. Read only. Accumulated from resource allocations.
ODC ETC Units - Estimate to complete units. Read only. Accumulated from resource allocations.
ODC Scheduled Amount - ODC scheduled amount .
ODC Scheduled Amount Fwd - ODC scheduled amount from the As of Date forward.
ODC Scheduled Units - ODC scheduled units.
ODC Scheduled Units Forward - ODC scheduled units from the As of Date forward.
ODC Used Amount - Used dollars. Read only. Accumulated from project transactions. Calculations are through the specified As Of Date.
ODC Used Amount Prev - ODC scheduled amount from the As of Date backward.
ODC Used Units - Used units. Read only. Accumulated from project transactions. Calculations are through the specified As Of Date.
ODC Used Units Prev - ODC scheduled units from the As of Date backward.




OCC Alloc Amount - Allocated dollars. Read only. Accumulated from resource allocations.
OCC Alloc Units - Allocated units. Read only. Accumulated from resource allocations.
OCC Bgt. Amount - Budget dollars. Manually entered or automatically populated from Roll-up.
OCC Bgt. Amount PCT- Percent total of the OCC budget Amount in relation to its parent node.
OCC ETC Amount - Estimate to complete dollars. Read only. Accumulated from resource allocations.
OCC ETC Units - Estimate to complete units. Read only. Accumulated from resource allocations.
OCC Scheduled Amount - OCC scheduled amount.
OCC Scheduled Amount Fwd - OCC scheduled amount from the As of Date forward.
OCC Scheduled Units - OCC scheduled units.
OCC Scheduled Units Forward - OCC scheduled units from the As of Date forward.
OCC Used Amount - Used dollars. Read only. Accumulated from project transactions. Calculations are through the specified As Of Date.
OCC Used Amount Prev - OCC scheduled amount from the As of Date backward.
OCC Used Units - Used units. Read only. Accumulated from project transactions. Calculations are through the specified As Of Date.
OCC Used Units Prev - OCC scheduled units from the As of Date backward.





ICC Alloc Amount - Allocated dollars. Read only. Accumulated from resource allocations.
ICC Alloc Units - Allocated units. Read only. Accumulated from resource allocations.
ICC Bgt. Amount - Budget dollars. Manually entered or automatically populated from Roll-up.
ICC Bgt. Amount PCT- Percent total of the ICC budget Amount in relation to its parent node.
ICC ETC Amount - Estimate to complete dollars. Read only. Accumulated from resource allocations.
ICC ETC Units - Estimate to complete units. Read only. Accumulated from resource allocations.
ICC Scheduled Amount - OCC scheduled amount.
ICC Scheduled Amount Fwd - ICC scheduled amount from the As of Date forward.
ICC Scheduled Units - ICC scheduled units.
ICC Scheduled Units Forward - ICC scheduled units from the As of Date forward.
ICC Used Amount - Used dollars. Read only. Accumulated from project transactions. Calculations are through the specified As Of Date.
ICC Used Amount Prev - ICC scheduled amount from the As of Date backward.
ICC Used Units - Used units. Read only. Accumulated from project transactions. Calculations are through the specified As Of Date.
ICC Used Units Prev - ICC scheduled units from the As of Date backward.