Entering In-House Expenses

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Description: How to Handle In-House Expenses.


In each of the cases discussed in the Determining How To Handle In-House Expenses section of the manual, you are basically entering a zero dollar transaction.


For example, if you entered internal prints in the purchase journal  you would create a zero dollar transaction against and in-house vendor.  You would then enter line items against various transactions.  There are two methods:

Zero cost against projects and general ledger
Cost against general ledger and projects


Method #1



In this method you would establish expense codes with a flat billing amount with a zero cost rate (Fig.1).  You would then simply enter the quantity of prints (Fig.3).  The extended amount would be zero (Fig.3).













Method #2



In this method you would enter a quantity and some estimated unit rate.  The extended cost amount would be the quantity times the unit rate (Fig.4).

After charging all the required projects you would then enter a negative amount for the running total against an overhead G/L account (Fig.5).






