Taxes and Surcharges Tab Administration>Global Settings

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Taxes and Surcharges Tab. Settings on this tab relate to the Taxes and Surcharges Tab (field descriptions below).





"General" Column


Active - When checked, the tax will appear on the "Taxes and Surcharges" tab in the Projects applet.


Tax Code - Tax code used to differentiate between tax codes.


Tax Name - Tax Name


Tax 1 %  - Percentage of 1st tax in the Tax Invoice Section.


Invoice Text1 - Name of 1st Tax as it appears on the invoice.


Tax 2 % - Percentage of 1st tax in the Tax Invoice Section (optional).


Invoice Text2 - Name of 1st Tax as it appears on the invoice (optional).


Base Account - Base account for this tax.


Base Account (Tax 2) - You can post tax amount 2 to a separate G/L account.


Use in Rev. Rec. - When checked, the tax will be used in the Rev. Rec. feature in InFocus.



"Apply Tax To" Column


Labor - When checked, the tax will be applied to the Labor section of the invoice.


ODC - When checked, the tax will be applied to the ODC section of the invoice.


OCC - When checked, the tax will be applied to the OCC section of the invoice.