Preferences Project Management>Project Planning

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This is where you set the project preferences.

Note - Labor figures can be set to include or exclude unsubmitted and/or unapproved time.






Include Unsubmitted Time - Includes unsubmitted time in actuals
Include Unapproved Time - Includes unapproved time in actuals



Show Labor Amount %
Show Labor Hours %
Show ODC Amount %
Show OCC Amount %
Show ICC Amount %



Use Allocations - When unchecked, the allocations window is hidden.


Schedules (Fig.1)

Use Resources - When unchecked, the resources in the Resource Schedule window is hidden.
Auto Calculate Dollars from Hours (Labor)
Allow Roll-over Scheduling
Auto Fill From Rate Schedule - When "Filter Labor Allocations & Resources By" on the Project Plan Settings is set to Rate Schedule, Zero hour resources fill in to every node.  They stay there until this box is unchecked.  This prevents you from having to enter the resource every time when creating a plan.
Hours Per Day - Number of hours to schedule per day on auto-scheduling.  If zero, hours will be evenly distributed across date range.
Allowable Days - Check off which days of the week can be scheduled