Apply rate schedules Project Administration>Projects

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How to Apply Rate Schedules. Rate schedules can be applied to any or all nodes of the WBS. Children nodes override parents nodes.


Step 1 - Right-click on the node you want to set and select Rate schedules.


Applying Rate Schedules 1




Step 2 - Fill out the Rate Schedules box with the appropriate information. Remember, Rate schedules can be applied to any or all nodes of the WBS. Children nodes override parents nodes.



DPE - Direct personnel expense multiplier
OH - Overhead multiplier
Profit - Profit multiplier


Job Cost

Other - No Job Cost Rate Schedule being used.
Use Rate Schedule - When checked, the supplied rate schedule is used.
Use Multipliers - When checked, the specified multipliers (as designated by markup type) are used.
Markup Type - The multipliers to be used. Various combinations of DPE, OH, and Profit can be used.
Apply for Premium Time - When checked, only the non-premium portion of overtime is marked up. The premium portion is then added to that.

An employee makes $10/hr. and receives time and a half for overtime. If the combined multipliers are 3.0 and this box was unchecked, the hourly premium rate would be 10 x 1.5 x 3 = $45/hr. If this box was checked, the calculation would be (10 x 3.0) + ( (10 x 1.5) – 10) = $35/hr.


Bill Rate

Other - No Bill Rate Schedule being used.
Use Rate Schedule- When checked, the supplied rate schedule is used.
Use Multipliers - When checked, all the multipliers specified are used.
Apply for premium time - See same field for job cost section.
Override - The Override Bill Rate is checked for a match on timesheet entries prior to the normal Bill Rate Schedule.





Step 4 - Click Save.