Understand Report Parameters Utilities>Invoice Design

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All invoice sections expose report parameters. Report parameters are similar to dataset fields in that they can be used in the section design. All sections (except for coversheet) expose the same list of report parameters defined below.

Note: Coversheets use a subset of the list as denoted by an asterisk.



Report Parameters


ProjectID - Project ID of bill term project.


ProjectCode - Project code of bill term project.


ProjectPath - Project path of bill term project.


ProjectName - Project name of bill term project.


ProjectLevel - Project level of bill term project.


ProjectStart - Project estimated start date. From start date on project General Tab.


ProjectEnd - Project estimated end date. From end date on project General Tab.


FirmName - Client name *


BillToAttn - Bill to attention line *


Street1 - Bill to street address line one *


Street2 - Bill to street address line two *


Street3 - Bill to street address line three *


Street4 - Bill to street address line four *


City - Bill to city *


State - Bill to state *


Zip - Bill to zip code *


Phone - Bill to phone *


Fax - Bill to fax *


TrackNum - Client tracking or p.o.number *


PayDays - Number of days till invoice payment is due *


InvDescript - Invoice description from Invoice Comments field on Project Billing tab.


RemitToStreet1 - Remit to street address line one


RemitToStreet2 - Remit to street address line two


RemitToStreet3 - Remit to street address line three


RemitToStreet4 - Remit to street address line four


RemitToCity - Remit to city


RemitToState - Remit to state


RemitToZip - Remit to zip code


RemitToAttn - Remit to attention line


BillingTerm - Billing term from project bill term type on billing tab *


InvoiceNo - Invoice number *


AsOfDate - Billing as of date *


InvoiceDate - Invoice date *


CompanyName - Licensed company name *