Selections Tab Accounts Payable>A/P Check Writing

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The Selection Tab displays the settings that determine which invoices are to be processed. Checks that are processed from A/P Check Writing are generated from the vendor invoices that have been entered into the Purchase Journal. The checks themselves are then posted into the Disbursement Journal.


Field Descriptions


Bank Account - The bank account to which checks will be posted. More on Chart of Accounts
Void Check Account - G/L Account to use as offset for void checks. (All transactions in InFocus require at least two sides).
A/P Account - A/P account to use for invoice selection. Leave blank for all.
Discount Account - G/L Account to use for net discounts.
Next Check Number - Next check number to use. Defaults from the next control number field of the bank account record on the Account Associations tab in General Accounting>Chart of Accounts. The Edit button next to the check number allows a user to directly change the next check number in this screen.
Next EFT Number - Next check EFT number to use. Defaults from the next control number field of the bank account record on the Account Associations tab (EFT column) in General Accounting>Chart of Accounts. More on EFTs



G/L Period - The G/L period to which checks are posted. More on G/L Periods
Check Date - Date of checks
Default "Pay" to Selected - When checked, defaults to pay the selected invoices.


Date Range

No Range - When checked, no range will be used for invoice selection
Use Range - When checked, a date range will be used for invoice selection.
From - Starting date of invoice selection
To - Ending date of invoice selection
Apply to Due Date - When checked, invoices with a due date between the From and To Dates will be selected.
Apply To Invoice Date - When checked, invoices with an invoice date between the From and To Dates will be selected.



All - When checked, open invoices for all vendors will be included.
Specific - When checked, open invoices for the specified vendors will be selected.



Print Check Number - When checked, the check number will print on the face of the check.
Check Report - Report design to be used to print the check. More on A/P Check Reports
Label Report - Report design  used to print check labels More on A/P Check Labels
Long Stub Report - Report design used to print long stubs. Long stubs are a separate report for checks that cover more invoices than can be printed on one stub. More on A/P Long Stub Reports
EFT Report - Report design to be used to print the EFT check.More on A/P EFT Reports
Max. Number of Invs. on Check Stub - Maximum number of invoices that will fit on one check. The default of 10 applies to the check report design that ships with InFocus.