Miscellaneous Report Management Reports

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The Miscellaneous Report Management Reports section contains a description of all Miscellaneous Report Management reports not mentioned in the previous sections.



Report Descriptions

A/P Check

Description - The following can be selected as the Check Report on the Selections Tab in A/P Check Writing. More on A/P Check Writing

A/P Check - System A/P Check Stock.
A/P Check Notes - System A/P Check Stock including the A/P Comments from the Purchase Journal. More on the Purchase Journal
A/P DLM-102 - System A/P Check Stock. The default check layouts in InFocus are designed to work with check style DLM102 from a national stationery company called NEBS. You can purchase them online direct from NEBS.  
A/P DLM-102 Notes - System A/P Check Stock including the A/P Comments from the Purchase Journal. The default check layouts in InFocus are designed to work with check style DLM102 from a national stationery company called NEBS. You can purchase them online direct from NEBS.


A/P Check Labels

Description - The following can be selected as the Label Report on the Selections Tab in A/P Check Writing. More on A/P Check Writing

A/P Check Labels - Labels that can be printed on Address Labels to affix to an envelope for mailing.



Description - The following can be selected as the EFT Report on the Selections Tab in A/P Check Writing. More on A/P Check Writing

A/P EFT - EFT Transaction report


A/P Long Stub

Description - When the check count exceeds the "Max. Number of Invs." on the Selections Tab, the Long Stub can be printed on the Post Tab to accompany the check with detail. The following can be selected as the Long Stub Report on the Selections Tab in A/P Check Writing. More on A/P Check Writing

A/P Long Stub - Check Long Stub.
A/P Long Stub Notes - Check Long Stub containing the A/P Comments from the Purchase Journal.


Bank Reconciliation

Bank Reconciliation - The Bank Rec Report can be launched from the toolbar of Bank Reconciliation applet.  It displays information on Selected Bank Account Reconciliation sessions. More on the Bank Reconciliation Toolbar


Chart of Accounts List

Chart of Accounts List - The Chart of Accounts List Report can be launched from the toolbar of the Chart of Accounts applet.  It gives you the option to print a list of Active, Inactive or Both types of Chart of Accounts. More on the Chart of Accounts Toolbar


Client List

Client List - The Client List Report can be launched from the toolbar of the Clients applet.  It gives you the option to print a list of Active, Inactive or Both types of Clients. More on the Clients Toolbar


Credit Card Reconciliation

Credit Card Reconciliation - The Credit Card Reconciliation Report can be launched from the toolbar of Credit Card Reconciliation applet.  It displays Credit Card Reconciliation information from selected filter criteria. More on the Credit Card Reconciliation Toolbar




E/R Check

Description - The following can be selected as the Check Report on the Selections Tab in E/R Check Writing. More on E/R Check Writing

E/R Check - System E/R Check Stock.
E/R Check Notes - System E/R Check Stock including the E/R Comments from the Purchase Journal. More on the Employee Reimbursable Journal
E/R DLM-102 - System E/R Check Stock. The default check layouts in InFocus are designed to work with check style DLM102 from a national stationery company called NEBS. You can purchase them online direct from NEBS.  
E/R DLM-102 Notes - System E/R Check Stock including the E/R Comments from the Purchase Journal. The default check layouts in InFocus are designed to work with check style DLM102 from a national stationery company called NEBS. You can purchase them online direct from NEBS.


E/R Check Labels

Description - The following can be selected as the Label Report on the Selections Tab in E/R Check Writing. More on E/R Check Writing

E/R Check Labels - Labels that can be printed on Address Labels to affix to an envelope for mailing.



Description - The following can be selected as the EFT Report on the Selections Tab in E/R Check Writing. More on E/R Check Writing
E/R EFT - EFT Transaction report


E/R Long Stub

Description - When the check count exceeds the "Max. Number of Invs." on the Selections Tab, the Long Stub can be printed on the Post Tab to accompany the check with detail. The following can be selected as the Long Stub Report on the Selections Tab in E/R Check Writing. More on E/R Check Writing

E/R Long Stub - Check Long Stub.
E/R Long Stub Notes - Check Long Stub containing the E/R Comments from the Purchase Journal.


Employee List

Employee List - The Employee List Report can be launched from the toolbar of the Employees applet.  It gives you the option to print a list of Active, Inactive or Both types of Employee. More on the Employees Toolbar


Expense Sheet

Expense Sheet - The Expense Sheet Report can be launched from the toolbar of the Expense Sheet applet.  It gives you a print out of the current Expense Sheet More on the Expense Sheet Toolbar


Form 1099

Form 1099 - The Form 1099 Report can be launched from the toolbar of the Form 1099 applet.  It gives you a print out of the current 1099 session. More on the Form 1099 Toolbar


Form 1099 Labels

Form 1099 Labels - The Form 1099 Labels Report can be launched from the toolbar of the Form 1099 applet.  It gives you Labels that can be printed on Address Labels to affix to an envelope for mailing. More on the Form 1099 Toolbar


Invoice Labels

Invoice Labels - Labels that can be printed on Address Labels to affix to an envelope for mailing.  To show up on the Labels report, the invoices must be Posted.


Labor Postings

Labor Distribution - If you call up a labor distribution transact in the General Journal it will be available under the View menu option on the toolbar. More on The General Journal Toolbar


Linked Transactions

Linked Transactions - The Linked Transaction Report displays all transactions that are linked to the Sales Journal.The Linked Transactions Report can be launched from the Linked Transactions pop-up that is run from the toolbar of the Sales Journal applet. More on the Linked Transaction Menu Option


Manual Check

Description - The following can be selected as the Check Report on the Disbursement Journal>Toolbar. More on the Disbursement Journal

Manual Check - Manual Check Stock.
Manual DLM-102 - System Manual Check Stock. The default check layouts in InFocus are designed to work with check style DLM102 from a national stationery company called NEBS. You can purchase them online direct from NEBS.  


OH Script Results

OH Script Results - The OH Script Results Report can be launched from the toolbar of the OH Allocation Scripts applet.  It gives you the results of the scripts run through Overhead Allocation. More on Overhead Allocation Scripts.


Project List

Project List - The Project List Report can be launched from the toolbar of the Project applet.  It gives you the option to print a list of Active, Inactive or Both types of Projects. More on the Projects Toolbar


Project Planning

Project Planning -  The Project Planning Report can be launched from the toolbar of the Project Planning applet.  It gives you a print out of the current Project.  You can optionall adjust the Date Ranges and view Baseline numbers on this report. More on the Project Planning Toolbar


Time Sheet

Time Sheet - The Time Sheet Report can be launched from the toolbar of the Time Sheet applet.  It gives you a print out of the current Time Sheet. More on the Time Sheet Toolbar


Vendor List

Vendor List - The Vendor List Report can be launched from the toolbar of the Vendor applet.  It gives you the option to print a list of Active, Inactive or Both types of Vendors. More on the Vendors Toolbar


Work Order Reports

Work Order Detail - The Work Order Detail Report can be launched from the toolbar of the Work Orders or My Work Orders applets.  It gives you the option to print Your Personal Work Orders or Work Orders for an individual. You can also filter by open and or closed Work Orders. More on the Work Orders Toolbar (Project Management>Work Orders)   More on the Work Orders Toolbar (Personal>My Work Orders)

Work Order List -  The Work Order Report can be launched from the toolbar of the Work Orders or My Work Orders applets.  It gives you the option to print Your Personal Work Orders or Work Orders for an individual. You can also filter by open and or closed Work Orders. More on the Work Orders Toolbar (Project Management>Work Orders)   More on the Work Orders Toolbar (Personal>My Work Orders)