Time Sheet Lines Tab

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Time Sheet Lines Tab is used when Line Item Approval is Enabled in Global Settings (Global Settings> Time and Expense Tab> Time Line-Item Approval Section). This is where your Project Leaders, or Allowed Approvers, can approve specific line items on specific Time sheets.


Note A Time Sheet cannot pass through to billing until all line items on the Time Sheet have been approved.  Special Rights are available to Force Approvals and Rejections in scenarios where time needs to be billed and the approval process needs to be overridden. More on Approvals Special Rights



Field Descriptions




Project Manager - When selected, the grid will filter the list of line items to projects where the logged in user is the Project Manager (PA> Projects> Members Tab)
Principal-In-Charge - When selected, the grid will filter the list of line items to projects where the logged in user is the Principal-In-Charge (PA> Projects> Members Tab)
Project Accountant - When selected, the grid will filter the list of line items to projects where the logged in user is the Project Accountant (PA> Projects> Members Tab)
Any Leader - When selected, the grid will filter the list of line items to projects where the logged in user is any of the above Project Leaders (or Allowed Approver assigned on Project)


Time Sheet Lines Summary Grid


Project - Project Name associated with the item
Code - Project Code associated with the item
Employee - Employee associated with the item
Hours - Total Hours on Time Sheet


Time Sheet Lines Detail Grid


Reject (button) - Rejects the selected time / expense sheets
Approve (button) - Approves the selected time / expense sheets
Toggle Checked - When checked, all of the time / expense sheets in the grid will be selected or deselected.
WBS Path - Project Path associated with the line item
Project - Project Name associated with the line item
Employee - Employee associated with the item
Period Start - Period Start Date of the Time Sheet
Period End - Period End Date of the Time Sheet
Total Hours - Total Hours for the line item to be approved


Time Sheets Lines tab uses standard Approvers applet Filters and Columns.