Time and Expense Administration>Global Settings

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The the items on the Time and Expense Tab can affect personal time and expense entry.

Field Descriptions

Allow users to Edit Time sheets

Job Titles - When checked, users can change their job title to an allowable job title. More on Job Titles
Overtime - When checked, true users can specify overtime on time sheets.
Location -   When checked, users can specify a location on time sheets. More on Locations


Use Labor Codes - When checked, labor codes will be accessible in time entry. More on Labor Codes
Require Expense Codes In Expense - When checked, users must supply an expense code in expense sheet entry. Checking this requires expense groups to be used on all projects. More on Expense Codes
Enable Estimate-to-Complete In Time sheets - When checked, estimate-to-complete requests can appear when a user submits a timesheet. If not checked, no request will occur, whether one was requested via project setup or through a work order.
Allow Users to Edit Bill Status In Time and Expense - When checked, bill status is accessible to users in time and expense entry.
Allow Work Orders in Time and Expense - When checked, work orders are available in time and expense entry. More on Work Orders
Default Separate Checks For Employees - When set, will cause a separate check to be issued for each invoice (Employee Reimbursement) for an individual employee, rather than combining multiple invoices on an e-check. Regardless of this setting, the behavior can be overridden when processing E/R checks.
Allow Labor Code Org. Override - Override allows individuals to use labor codes that are assigned to org units other than their home org. More on Labor Codes
Auto Approve Timesheet on Submit - When this option is checked, the approval process is removed from the system. Submitted time sheets will be flagged automatically as approved.
Auto Approve Time / Exp. Sheet When Owner Approver - When submitting a time or expense sheet, where the employee was also listed as an approver, the time or expense sheet would auto-approve. This check box allows you to optionally prevent auto-approval.
Show Zero Hours in  Time sheets - You have the ability to hide or show the zeros in the time sheet window. This is controlled in Global Settings > Time and Expense Tab by selecting the “Show Zero Hours in Time Sheets” check box.
Auto-Compress Mobile Time Sheet On Save - Checking this box will compress multiple entries with similar attributes (e.g. Project, Labor Code, Job Title) into one entry line for time entries made via InFocus Mobile.

Pay Rates

Used Diluted Pay Rates - Enables the diluted pay rates module for use.
Set Bill Base Rate To Diluted Rate - Causes the system to use the diluted rate as the base rate for calculating the bill rate, rather than the average pay rate. Base rates are used in cost plus invoicing.
Set Job Cost Base Rate To Diluted Rate - Causes the system to use the diluted rate as the base rate for calculating the job cost rate, rather than the average pay rate.

Timesheet Timer Rounding

Round to the nearest ??minute(s) - This controls the time rounding in the time sheet Stopwatch. Here you set the accuracy of the timer in minutes. 

Default Time & Expense Template

Default Time & Expense Template - When selected, this will be the default Time & Expense template assigned to newly created employees. More on Time & Expense Templates

Required Comment Defaults For Project Types

Direct - When checked, a user entering a time sheet must enter a PM Comment before he can submit a time sheet on Direct Projects.
Indirect - When checked, a user entering a time sheet must enter a PM Comment before he can submit a time sheet on Indirect Projects.
Opportunity - When checked, a user entering a time sheet must enter a PM Comment before he can submit a time sheet on Opportunity Projects.

Required Comment Prompts

Timesheets - The “Require Comments Prompts” determines when you are going to require that the Time Sheet comment be entered.  Options include; On Save, On Submit, or On Line Create (when the user leaves the line).
Expense Sheets - The “Require Comments Prompts” determines when you are going to require that the Expense Sheet comment be entered.  Options include; On Save, On Submit, or On Line Create (when the user leaves the line).

Additional Settings

Allow Audit Trail Posting in Rate Recalculation - When checked, You get the options to post an audit trail for Pay Rate, Job Cost Rate, and Bill Rate when you run the Recalculate Rates Utility.

Default Timesheet Report

System Timesheet Report - Uses the Time Sheet report located under Report Management.
Custom Timesheet Report - Allows user to select a custom time sheet report.

Time Sheet Header Mask

Allows you to optionally set a Time Sheet Header Mask. This mask will allow you to customize the header format for the days of a timesheet period. For Example, with the mask "MM/dd/yyyy", the date will appear as 01/05/2012.

Require Rejection Reason

Time Sheets - You can require a reason for a rejected Time Sheet.  An optional reason box has been added for rejected Time Sheets. Upon rejecting a time sheet, the approver will get a pop-up requiring a reason to be entered for the rejection.  When a Time sheet has been rejected, a red banner will show up in the header of the Employee’s time sheet.  The banner goes away when the sheet is re-submitted.
Expense Sheets - You can require a reason for a rejected Expense Sheet.  An optional reason box has been added for rejected Expense Sheets. Upon rejecting a expense sheet, the approver will get a pop-up requiring a reason to be entered for the rejection.  When a Expense sheet has been rejected, a red banner will show up in the header of the Employee’s expense sheet.  The banner goes away when the sheet is re-submitted.


Time Sheet Adjustment Hours Precision

Drop-down - The drop-down sets the precision for hours Time Sheet Adjustments. More on Timesheet Adjustments


Time Line Item Approval

Use Time Line Approval - When selected, the line item approval feature for Time Sheets will be enabled. More on Line Item Approval
Project Approval Default - The Default Line-Item Approval setting on projects.  If "Default" is selected on the project, the selection will be honored.  Required, requires that all time entries against the project be approved by line item. Not Required does not a require that each line item be approved for the time sheet before the Time Sheet, as a whole, can be approved.
Allowed Line Approvers - Options are Principal In Charge, Project Manager and Project Accountant. When selected, the Corresponding Button will appear on the Line Item Tab and the individual assigned to that role on the project will see the Time sheet line item(s) for individuals that have entered time against that project.


Expense Line Item Approval

Use Expense Line Approval - When selected, the line item approval feature for Expense Sheets will be enabled. More on Line Item Approval
Project Approval Default - The Default Line-Item Approval setting on projects.  If "Default" is selected on the project, the selection will be honored.  Required, requires that all expense entries against the project be approved by line item. Not Required does not a require that each line item be approved for the expense sheet before the Expense Sheet, as a whole, can be approved.
Allowed Line Approvers - Options are Principal In Charge, Project Manager and Project Accountant. When selected, the Corresponding Button will appear on the Line Item Tab and the individual assigned to that role on the project will see the Expense sheet line item(s) for individuals that have entered time against that project.