Invoice Post & Archive Accounts Receivable>Automated Invoicing

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Automated Invoicing makes invoice posting and archiving seamless with Post & Archive, available from the Invoice tab toolbar. Clicking Post & Archive launches the dialogue through which you can Post (only) or Post & Archive the selected invoice(s).


Note Archiving to Document Management requires that Document Management be setup, which is managed via AD>Global Settings>Document Management.


Field Descriptions

Invoice Naming


Using a name pattern organizes your Invoice files with a naming convention that’s meaningful to your users. The default naming convention is fixed to Invoice_xxx, where xxx represents the Sales Journal ID. We’ve provided you with several variables that make the naming unique.


Naming Variables


@InvoiceNo@ - Invoice Number
@SJID@ - Sales Journal transaction ID
@ProjectPath@ - Project Path (e.g. 20140000–100)
@ProjectID@ - Internal Project ID
@ProjectName@ - Project name


For example, using the Name Pattern Invoice_@InvoiceNo@_SJID_@SJID@ would yield the following file name: Invoice_49_SJID_2965.pdf.


Archive Destination


InFocus supports archival to Document Management, archival to a specified Folder or None (e.g. no archival)


Archive to Document Management - Each invoice is archived directly to InFocus and stored in the applet(s) specified by the configuration in Utilities>Document Management. For example, each invoice could be attached to the Sales Journal entry, Project record and Client record. If this option is unavailable, please contact Clearview Support for assistance with enabling this feature.
Archive to a Folder - This option allows the user to select a local (or network) folder location for archival. The file(s) are stored outside of InFocus in the specified location.
oInclude Merged PDF - When checked, all rendered invoices will be archived in one .PDF file. For instance, if running invoices for a single client you could archive and send them one single file.
None - No invoices are archived. The selected invoices will only be Posted to the Sales Journal.




Post - Clicking will first post selected invoices to the Sales Journal. If successfully posted, InFocus will then archive the rendered invoice(s) as specified under Archive Destination. If None is selected as the Archive Destination, the invoice will only be Posted to the Sales Journal.
Cancel - Cancels the Post & Archive