Accrual Schedules allow you to create more detailed accrual schedules than the standard setup. It also can account for multiple tiers of accruals based on length of time of employment. Accrual schedules can also be used for overrides for those employees who are granted higher accruals than the standard accrual for the company.
Key Concepts
• | The Accrual Schedule allows a user to create a schedule and use it on multiple projects without having to enter the same information multiple times. |
• | Also, this allows for a user to establish "tiers". Tiers allow for setting a time frame that includes a certain number of Accrual Hours based on length of employment. Once an employee reaches the next tier, they begin to accrue that level of Accruable time. |
• | Accrual Schedule Max Hours and Max Carryover take priority over those set in Benefit Accrual Setup |
• | You can also apply a schedule for individual employees. When on the main screen, pull up the indirect projects (If you have imported the employees affected by this accrual, you will see a list of employees). Double-click on the Employee name and you will get the Employee Benefit Override pop-up. More on Benefit Accrual Employee Benefit Override |
Field Descriptions
Schedules Window
• | Name - Name of the Accrual Schedule. To add a new Schedule, click the green (+) at the bottom of the pop-up. |
Tiers Window
• | Start Month - From the initial accrual run, the number of months that pass for the accrual to start in the specific tier. |
• | End Month - From the initial accrual run, the number of months that pass for the accrual to end in the specific tier. |
• | Hours Per Year - Number of Work hours in accrual year. |
• | Total Accruable Hours - Total number of accruable hours for the tier per benefit year. |
• | Periods Per Year - Number of periods in the benefit year. |
• | Accrue Per Period - Number of accrue hours awarded in period. (This is a system-calculated field based on Total Accruable Hours / Periods Per Year) |
• | Hours Per Period - Number of Work hours in Period. (This is a system-calculated field based on Hours Per Year / Periods Per Year) |
• | Max Hours - Maximum number of hours that can be accrued for the tier. Entering a -1 allows the max to be accrued based on the tier. |
• | Max Carryover - Maximum number of hours that can be carried over to another tier. Entering a -1 allows unlimited carryover. |
• | Green (+) - When clicked, you are able to create a new Accrual Schedule. |
• | Red (x) - When clicked, you are able to delete the selected Accrual Schedule. |