Benefit Accrual Setup Human Resources>Benefit Accrual

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The Benefit Accrual Setup window is where the initial options are selected when configuring a benefit project.



Key Concepts

Before you can create a Benefit Project, you must first create an Indirect Project that will represent the Benefit it represents (ie. Vacation, Sick, etc.) More on Projects


Field Descriptions



Active - Status of the Benefit Project
Use Accrue Date for Schedule Placement - Check this box if the accrual is based on an Accrue Date rather than the default Hire Date in the Employee file.
Name - Benefit Accrual name. If there are multiple Benefit Accruals that are for a single Benefit Project, this is how you differentiate them.
Project - Benefit Project


Accrual Type

Description -  When an employee is awarded benefit hours.  The Accrual Type looks at the Hire Date (Accrue Date if the box is checked to use Accrue Date for Schedule Placement) to base the accrual on when calculating. These dates are located in the Employees>Employee Information Tab.

Calendar - Accrues over the course of a year.  There will be a new Benefit Year every year.  
oType - The calendar type is how the system calculates when the benefit year begins and is also used for carryover hours (if allowed). Options are Anniversary (based on the Hire Date anniversary), Calendar (January 1st), and Fiscal Year (beginning of the Fiscal Year). 
Hours Worked - Accrues after an employee works a specified number of hours.  Note: Carryover will not work with this Accrual Type as a new Benefit Year never takes place.
oProject Exclusions - There are Projects for which the system should not use the hours to count toward the Hours Worked calculation for Accrual such as Vacation, Sick, PTO, etc.  These are the Projects that will be selected in the Project Exclusions section.



Maximum Hours - When selected, you specify the maximum hours that are allowed to be accrued. Entering a -1 tells the system that it is unlimited.
Maximum Carry Over - When selected, you specify the maximum number of hours that can be accrued from one year to the next.  Entering a -2 tells the system that it is unlimited.


Benefit Year

Description - Where you configure the year associated with the accrual if there is no Accrual Schedule in place.

Days in Year - Number of days in accrual year.
Periods Per Year - Number of periods in accrual year. 
Work Hours Per Year - Number of Work hours in accrual year. 
Accrue Hours Per Year - Number of accrue hours awarded in accrual year. 
Accrue Hours Per Period - Number of accrue hours awarded in period. Note: Click "Calculate" for the system to run the calculation  (Calculation = Accrue Hours Per Year / Periods Per Year)  


Accrual Schedule

Accrual Schedule -  You can optionally associate an accrual schedule with the project. More on Accrual Schedules