Benefit Accrual Detail Human Resources>Benefit Accrual

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The Benefit Accrual detail is where you manage employees and their accruals.



Field Descriptions


Project Name - Name of the Accrual Project.
Project Code - Code of the Accrual Project.
Active - Status of the Accrual Project.
Check All - Selects all of the items in the grid directly below it.
(+) Add Button
o Left of Screen - Adds a New Employee to the Members Grid.
oRight of Screen - Adds a Manual Benefit Entry to the Transactions Grid. Requires a Transaction Date, Transaction Amount and a Comment.
(x) - Delete Button
o Left of Screen - Deletes the selected Employee.
oRight of Screen - Deletes the selected Benefit Transaction.
Import Button (arrow pointing to the left into a square) - When selected, all active employees are imported into the Members grid.
Refresh Button (blue arrows in a circle) - Refreshes the grids.
Delete Last Accrual Run Button (red circle with white line) - Deletes the Last Accrual Run


Members grid

Check-box - When checked, the Employee is selected for the actions above.
Employee - Employee Proper Name.
Accrued YTD - Accrued hours for the year to date.
Used YTD - Used hours for the year to date. These are calculated from time sheets that go against the accrual project.
Current Year Start - The start date for the accrual project for the current benefit year.
Balance - Accrued minus Used hours
Delete - When selected, the line will be deleted.

Note: The Column Choose (gear icon) in the Header can be accessed to add the Employee Code. This is an easy way to hyper-link to the Employee file to check Hire/Accrue Date when setting up the Benefit Accrual.


Transactions grid

Check-box - When checked, the Employee is selected for the actions above.
Employee - Employee Proper Name.
Amount - Number of hours for the line item.
Tx Date - Transaction Date.
Type - Transaction Type. Used is populated from an approved time sheet. Standard is calculated by InFocus based on the Accrual. Manual is for a manual entry. Carry-Over is for hours carried over from a previous benefit year.
Comment - Internal Comments. This is populated from the manual entry comment field or by InFocus for carry-over entries.
Delete - When the red X is selected, the line will be deleted.  If there is a black lock icon this entry cannot be deleted as it is system-generated from a time sheet entry.
Balance - Shows the amount of hours remaining from the Accrual less Used/Manual entries in the Transactions grid.