Cloropleth Maps

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Maps allow you to visualize location-based data using colors to reflect proportional results.


For instance, if viewing Project Revenue by State or Province on a color scale from Blue to Red, areas would be colored as follows (areas falling in between would be a combined shade):


Low Revenue = Blue
Mid Revenue = Purple
High Revenue = Red


While Analytic Dashboard Designer uses a set of default maps, you can also load custom maps with a Shapefile (typically contains an .shp and .dbf).



Adding Data


Data fields are bound to Maps by dragging them to the Data Items Pane as an Attribute, Value, Target, or Measure.


Additionally, Hidden Data Items can be used for additional configurations, such as filtering, without displaying the field on the Dashboard Item.


Working with Data


Each Dashboard Item has different requirements for the data you add to it.


As mentioned above, Maps use Attributes, Values, Targets (if using a Delta), and/or Measures


Each Data Item can be formatted by hovering over the item and clicking the down arrow.


Attribute - Used to associate map shapes with a data item (e.g. StateCode - ME = PostalCode - ME)
Value - Map Values can be added as singularly aggregated values or as Deltas. If formatted to use Value, the map will color based on the calculation of value alone, if formatted as a Delta, the map will color based on the difference between the value and the target.
Target - Target data to use in calculating a Delta
Measures - Maps allow for customized tooltips which displays when hovering over areas on the map. When defined, tooltip information will include the added Measures.


Consider the following example:





State Code field bound to the map attribute: POSTAL

Hours (Sum)

Projects (Count)


This will result in color coded areas on the US Map (for example) based on the total number of hours per state. Hovering over each state will reflect the sum of hours and the number of projects per state.


TIP: If you’ve added data but don’t see it reflected, click the Refresh button above the Field List in the Data Browser (left-hand pane of the designer).


Binding Map Attributes


As mentioned above, Attributes are used to bind map shapes to data items. For example, a data item with state codes (e.g. ME, VA, etc.) can be bound to the POSTAL map attribute.


To do this:


1. Click the Attribute’s options icon (link icon next to the Attributes placeholder)

2. Select the Map Attribute that corresponds to the Data Item

3. Click Ok


Map Options


Map values can be calculated based on a Value (only) or a Delta.


This is set by clicking the options icon (to the right of the Value placeholders in the Data Items pane).




When selecting Value, the map will calculate results based on the value alone. For example, Countries would be colored based on their position on the scale of results.


A Value’s Scale and Color settings include the following options:


Color Palette - Start and End Color used in associating color with points along the range (e.g. from dark to light). Defaults to Auto, but can be customized.
Scale Settings - Defines whether to use a Percent or Absolute scale for defining colors. Number of levels, which correlate to the number of colors used on the map, can also be customized.
Preview - Shows the proposed output of colors against the scale. To edit the Rage stop, check Allow Edit. Edits also allow you to append, delete, end edit and cancel edit.


Click Apply to preview the selected options on the map.




As mentioned above, Deltas represent the difference between the Actual and the Target.


When selected, Maps will color based on the Delta and will include the Value Type in the map’s tooltip.


Deltas can be configured by clicking the options icon (to the right of the Value placeholders in the Data Items pane).


Delta Options include:


Value Type - Specifies which value type should be displayed as the Delta.
Result Indication - Sets the logic for the delta indicator. For Maps, the indicator is the color of the location (e.g. State, County, etc.) and include green (positive result), red (negative result) and yellow (warning) coloring.
oGreater is good - Displays positive if the actual exceeds the target
oLess is good - Displays positive if the actual doesn’t exceed the target
oWaring if greater - Displays a warning if the actual exceeds the target
oWarning if less - Displays a warning if the actual does not exceed the target
oNo indication
Threshold Type -  Further rules can be applied to when a visual indicator will be displayed in the result (e.g. display green if the actual exceeds the target by 15% or $1500.00, etc.). Threshold Type defines the type of threshold to apply- percent or absolute value.
Threshold Value - Sets the value for the threshold (e.g. 15%, $1500, etc.).


Multiple Maps


Map Dashboard Items allow you to build multiple maps per dashboard item.


When filling the Map Values, you’ll notice a new set of empty placeholders appear. If applicable, drag and drop a new value or new set of comparisons (Delta) and the map will display a Value icon (stack seen in the upper-right hand corner of the dashboard item) which you can use to switch between maps.





Data added to Maps is automatically formatted based on the data type. That said, each Data Item can be formatted by hovering over the item and clicking the down arrow.


For instance, if using a percentage, you would likely need to change the format to type: Percent.


Numbers / Currency


To change the format for numbers or currency, hover over the data item in the Data Items pane and complete the following:


1.Click the down arrow
2.Select Format…
3.Configure settings as appropriate (see below)
4.Click OK


Format Type - Defaults to Auto. Options include: General, Number, Currency, Scientific, Percent.
Unit - Unit to which values should be converted
Precision - Defines the decimals to display
Currency - Defaults to Dashboard global currency setting. Specific currency settings can be set here.
Culture - Defines the currency cultures for currencies with multiple cultures
Include group separator - Displays a comma between each numeric group (e.g. 1,000,000.00)



Map Tools


Maps feature a specific set of design and data tools, available from the toolbar (some options are also available by right-clicking the chart).


All toolbar items feature tool tips which explain (in short) the core functionality of the toolbar option.


Data Tab


The Data Tab includes several options for data shaping.


Edit Filter - Use to add/edit filters on the grid based on displayed or Hidden Data Items.
Clear - Clears all filters
Single Master Filter - This sets the selected Dashboard Item (e.g. Maps, etc) as a Master Filter for all other dashboard items. Using a Single Master Filter you can only filter by one element in the selected item.
Multiple Master Filter - This sets the selected Dashboard Item (e.g. Maps, etc) as a Master Filter for all other dashboard items. Using a Multiple Master Filter you can filter by one or more elements in the selected item. Multiple items can be selected by using Ctrl+Click.
Cross Data-Source Filtering - Allows a Master Filter to affect data items displaying data from other data sources.
Ignore Master Filter - Dashboard Items can interact with other dashboard items marked as a Master Filter. Clicking Ignore Master Filter removes interactivity.


Design Tab


Cards allow the following design options.


Show Caption - Shows/Hides the caption (e.g. “Grid 1” displayed at the top left of the dashboard item).
Edit Names - Used to configure display name for the Dashboard Item
Load Map - Loads a map Shapefile. Using this option provides the Dashboard with a path to the Shapefile. This means if other users try to view the map and don’t have access to the location of the Shapefile, the map will not load.
Import Map - Imports a map Shapefile. Unlike the Load Map option, Import actually adds the map to the definition (XML) of the Dashboard.
Default Map - Sets the default map for the dashboard item
Lock Navigation - Locks the current scroll/zoom of the map in the viewer. Un-clicked, the map can be navigated with scroll (click, hold and drag), zoom (double-click) and other navigational features.
Full Extent - Sets the map back to center
Shape Labels - Settings used to define map titles and tooltips
Show Color Legend - Shows/Hides the color scale