Account Inquiry By Date Report

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The Account Inquiry By Date Report allows you to look at all transactions that go against the Sales Journal, Purchase Journal, Employee Reimbursables Journal, Receipt Journal (cash and accrual), Disbursement Journal(cash and accrual), General Journal for a particular Date Range.


Data: Sales Journal, Purchase Journal, Employee Reimbursables Journal, Receipt Journal (cash and accrual), Disbursement Journal(cash and accrual), General Journal


Note: This report is run for a date range.  You may not see the same figures if you are trying to compare this to an Income Statement or a Balance Sheet that uses a GL Period as a Date Filter.




Date Ranges

Start & End Date - Filters the data by the Date Type supplied in the next selection.
Date Type (Required) - Options are:
oTransaction Date - The transaction date of the journal entry (ie. invoice date, check date or trans date)
oCreate Date - Create Date of the transaction
oModify Date - Modify Date of the transaction


Base Code (Required) - Filters to a specific GL Base Code of the Transactions
Org Unit - Filters to a specific the Organizational Unit related to the GL Base Code of the Transaction.
Include Org. Children - Includes the Organization Units Children  when filtering to a specific the Organizational Unit.
Show Comments - When checked, the report will show the GL Comments from the line-items of the Journals.
Is Accrual - When checked, the report looks at the Accrual Journals (Receipts & Disbursements) instead of the Cash Basis Journals (CBReceipts & CB Disbursements). Note: The Cash Basis Journals are populated by running the Cash Basis Conversion Utility.
Currency Type - The Type of Currency to be used when running the report. Options are Base, Company, Project and Transaction.
Currency Code - The Currency Code to be used when running the report. Options are set in the Multi-Currency applet. More on Multi-Currency



The Sorts section Groups & Sorts the report by Transaction Date, Create Date, Modify Date, Payee/Payer, Deposit No and Journal.

Sort 1 - Top Level Sort
Sort 2 - Second Level Sort.
Sort 3 - Third Level Sort



Report Columns

Transaction ID - ID of the Journal
Journal - Name of the Journal
Org. Unit - Organizational Unit of GL Base Code related to the line item in the Transaction
Control Number - Invoice Number (Sales, Purchase), Check Number (Receipt, Disbursement), erid (Employee Reimbursables) or glid (General Journal) depending on the Journal being reported on.
TransDate - Invoice Date (Sales, Purchase,Employee Reimbursable), Check Date (Receipt, Disbursement), or TransDate (General Journal) depending on the Journal being reported on.
Amount - The Journal Amount for the General, Sales and Receipts Journals. The Cost Amount for the Purchases, Employee Reimbursables and Disbursement Journals.




Account Inquiry By Date Report