Account Project Inquiry By Date

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The Account Project Inquiry By Date Report allows you to search against all transactions that go against the Sales Journal, Purchase Journal, Employee Reimbursables Journal, Receipt Journal, Disbursement Journal, General Journal for a particular Date Range, Grouped by Project.  The second level of detail groups on the Client, Employee or Vendor.


Data: Sales Journal, Purchase Journal, Employee Reimbursables Journal, Receipt Journal, Disbursement Journal, General Journal


Note 1: This report is run for a date range.  You may not see the same figures if you are trying to compare this to an Income Statement or a Balance Sheet that uses a GL Period as a Date Filter.


Note 2: This report only looks at the Accrual Journals and does not report on a Cash Basis.




Date Ranges

Start & End Date - Filters the data by the transaction date on the Journal entry.


G/L Base Code (Required) - Filters to a specific GL Base Code of the Transactions
Org Unit (blank=all) - Filters to a specific the Organizational Unit related to the GL Base Code of the Transaction.
Include Projects with No Balance - When selected, projects that do not have outstanding balances will be included in the results.
Currency Type - The Type of Currency to be used when running the report. Options are Base, Company, Project and Transaction.
Currency Code - The Currency Code to be used when running the report. Options are set in the Multi-Currency applet. More on Multi-Currency


Report Columns

JN - Abbreviation of the Journal that the data is coming from. (SJ-Sales Journal, PJ-Purchase Journal, ER-Employee Reimbursables Journal, CD-Disbursements Journal, CR-Receipt Journal, GJ-General Journal)
JNID -  ID of the Journal referenced in the JN column.
TransDate - Invoice Date (Sales, Purchase,Employee Reimbursable), Check Date (Receipt, Disbursement), or TransDate (General Journal) depending on the Journal being reported on.
Invoice No - Invoice Number from the respective Journals.
Check No - Check Number from the respective Journals.
G/L Amount - The Journal Amount for the General, Sales and Receipts Journals. The Cost Amount for the Purchases, Employee Reimbursables and Disbursement Journals.
Effort - This number is the Non-Labor Cost at the Marked-up Rate that comes from the Purchase, Employee Reimbursables and Disbursment Journals.
PM Comments (only visible when present) - The PM Comment from the respective Journals.





Account Project Inquiry By Date Report