Accounting Timesheet

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The Accounting Timesheet Report report reflects the most current version of the time sheet, reflecting any changes made in Timesheet Adjustments. The layout is similar to what you see in the Time Sheets applet for a specific Time Sheet Period End date.


Data: The data is collected from the Time Sheets table.





Employee (Required) - Selected Employee of the time sheet that is being reported on.
Period End Date (Required) - Period End date of the Time Sheet that is being reported n.



Report Columns


From - Period Start Date of the Time Sheet
To - Period End Date of the Time Sheet
Employee Name
Employee Code (beneath Employee Name)



Project - Project Path of line item on the time sheet.
JC - Job Title Code of line item on the time sheet.
LC - Labor Code of line item on the time sheet.
Date Columns - Hours entered on a Time sheet per day. includes both Regular and Overtime hours.
Reg - Total of Regular hours for the day.
*OT - Total of Overtime hours for the day.
Total -  Total hours for the day (Reg+OT).
Comments - The Project information of the comment and the PM Comment that was entered for the workdate.




Accounting Timesheet Report