Employee Job Titles

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The Employee Job Titles Report shows you the allowable Job Titles for your employees, including the Default Job Title. This report can be run for all active employees or one employee. Additionally, it points out InActive Job Titles that are assigned to Employees. Group / Sort options include by Employee Name or Job Title Name.  When run for a single project the report uses the project member tab overrides otherwise it uses employee setup information.



Employee - Select a single Employee or leave blank to see all employees.
Project - Select a single Project or leave blank to see all projects. Note: That when run for a single project the report uses the project member tab overrides instead of looking at the employee setup information.
Job Title - Select a single Job Title or leave blank to see all Job Titles.
Group / Sort By - Sort and Group the report by either Employee Name or Job Title Name.



Report Columns

Job Title
Work Pct. - Work % assigned to the Job Title on the Employees> Job Titles Tab.
Default - Either the Job Title with the highest Work % on the Employees> Job Titles Tab OR the Default Job Title assigned on the Project> Members Tab. In the event of even percentages, the one that comes first, alphabetically, is the default.

