General Ledger By Date

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The General Ledger Report shows you the details of every transaction going in and out of your accounts using a Date Range as a filter. This report can help ensure that all your Accounts balance.


Data: Sales Journal, Purchase Journal, Employee Reimbursables Journal, Receipt Journal (cash and accrual), Disbursement Journal(cash and accrual), General Journal


Note: This report is run for a date range.  You may not see the same figures if you are trying to compare this to an Income Statement or a Balance Sheet that use a GL Period as a Date Filter.




Date Ranges

Start & End Date - Filters the data by the Date Type supplied in the next selection.
Date Type (Required) - Options are:
oTransaction Date - The transaction date of the journal entry (ie. invoice date, check date or trans date)
oCreate Date - Create Date of the transaction
oModify Date - Modify Date of the transaction


GL Account (comma delimited) - Filters to specific GL Accounts associated with the Transactions.  A comma delimited list of accounts can be entered here to bring in multiple accounts (for example: 10001,1000E, 10002)
Org Unit - Filters to a specific the Organizational Unit related to the GL Base Code of the Transaction.
Include Org. Children - Includes the Organization Units Children  when filtering to a specific the Organizational Unit.
Consolidate - When selected, the Accounts will beconsolidated into a single line item per account. Otherwise, the accounts will be broken out by Org Unit (if applicable).
Is Accrual - When checked, the report looks at the Accrual Journals (Receipts & Disbursements) instead of the Cash Basis Journals (CBReceipts & CB Disbursements). Note: The Cash Basis Journals are populated by running the Cash Basis Conversion Utility.
Print Comments - When checked, the report will show the GL Comments from the line-items of the Journals.
Print Control Number - When selected, the control number (ie. invoice date, check date or trans date) of the transaction will display on the report.
Print Detail - When selected, the details of the transactions will be displayed on the report.
Currency Type - The Type of Currency to be used when running the report. Options are Base, Company, Project and Transaction.
Currency Code - The Currency Code to be used when running the report. Options are set in the Multi-Currency applet. More on Multi-Currency



Sort by Journal - When selected, the report will Group/Sort by the journal that the transaction originates in.



Report Columns

Journal - Journal that the account originates from.
Transaction ID - ID of the Journal
Date - Invoice Date (Sales, Purchase,Employee Reimbursable), Check Date (Receipt, Disbursement), or TransDate (General Journal) depending on the Journal being reported on.
Description - Depending on the Journal, this can be the Employee Name, Firm Name or Employee Name.
Beginning Balance - Balance of the account "As of" the Start Date of the Report.
Ending Balance - Balance after all debits and credits are factored in.

