Income Statement with Budgets

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The Income Statement is also called a Profit and Loss Statement (P&L). The purpose of the Income Statement is to show managers and investors whether the company made or lost money during the reported period. Income Statements represent a period of time, whereas the Balance Sheet represents a single moment in time.


The Income Statement with Budgets report includes budgets that are entered through the G/L Budgets applet under General Accounting. More on G/L Budgets






G/L period (required) - The selected G/L Period for the report.  All returned data falls within the selected G/L Period.
Org Unit - When selected, the data is filtered to display only the specified Organizational Unit, and its children Orgs.
Cash Basis - When checked, the report reports on a Cash Basis. What that means is that the report looks at the the Cash Basis Journals (CBReceipts & CBDisbursements) instead of the Accrual Basis Journals (Receipts & Disbursements). Note: The Cash Basis Journals are populated by running the Cash Basis Conversion Utility.
Consolidate - When selected, All of the Organizational Units are consolidated into one line instead of being broken out into their respective Org. Units.
Show Base Code - When selected, the Base Code of the G/L Account is displayed in addition to the Full GL Account Name.
Currency Type - The Type of Currency to be used when running the report. Options are Base, Company, Project and Transaction.
Currency Code - The Currency Code to be used when running the report. Options are set in the Multi-Currency applet. More on Multi-Currency
Include Realized Gains Losses - When selected, Realized Gains Losses are includes in the returned data (Multi-Currency only). More on MC Revaluations
Include Unrealized Gains Losses - When selected, Unrealized Gains Losses are includes in the returned data (Multi-Currency only). More on MC Revaluations



Report Columns

Code - G/L Account Code
Name - G/L Account Name
Current - Current amount for the selected period.
Current Budget - G/L Budget for the selected period.
Year to Date - Amount for the year of the selected G/L Period, up to the selected period.
YTD Budget - Budget for the year of the selected G/L Period, up to the selected period.

