Project Figures

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The Project Figures Report returns "As of the Moment" project metrics for a given project to all its WBS levels. It automatically filters based on project leader designation. Employees with a designation of Project Accountant can see all projects. By default, this report shows labor cost as zero. To show labor cost, make a copy of the report, then click Manage Parameters. Note the parameters and their details. Next, click on the wand (  ). When prompted that previous parameters will be cleared out, click Yes. All exposed parameters will be visible. Restore the details of the Project Path and My id parameters. Click Apply after each. Change the prompt type of the Show labor cost report (at either Pay Rate or Job Cost Rate, depending on the setting of the Calculate Labor Cost option (in the General Tab of Global Settings).

On this report, any figure, that is cased in blue and has an underline, will render a new detail report.  When the Project Figures Report is selected, a blue back-arrow will appear in the Report Viewer tool bar when a drill thru report has been entered.  Clicking on the back arrow will navigate back to the master report. The Project Figures report is accessible on the tool bar (View) in the Project Administration module (Projects applet) and the Project Management module (Project Planning applet). A permission under Project Management called View Labor Cost in Project Figures, determines whether a person can see labor costs on this report.


Note1: This report honors Project Roles Filtering. Form more details read this article CLICK HERE.


Note2: The Project Figures report is "All Time", so be aware of that when comparing data to reports that use a Dare Range or As-of-Date.





Project (required) - Project to be analyzed on the report.



Report Columns

Contract - Fixed Fee and Contract (Labor, ODC, OCC, ICC) Caps assigned to the Project.
Billed - Billed Revenue posted to the Sales Journal or General Journal (Labor, ODC, OCC, ICC).
Received - Money Received through the Receipt Journal
Effort - Labor Cost at the Billing Rate OR Non-Labor transactions at the Marked-up Rate.
Cost - Labor Cost at the Pay (or JC) Rate, depending on Global Setting> General Tab>Calculate Labor Cost Using, OR Non-Labor transactions at the Cost Rate.
Unbilled - Unbilled Transaction (Transactions with a Bill Status of Ready to Bill (R) or Hold (H))
Budget - Budget amounts (Labor, ODC, OCC, ICC)  from Project Planning.
Non Reim/Write Off - Transactions with a Bill Status of Never Bill (N) or Write-off (W))
Other Revenue - Journal transactions that go against a G/L Account with a Metric Type of Other Revenue.
Late Charges - Journal transactions that go against a G/L Account with a Metric Type of Late Fee.
Retainage - Journal transactions that go against a G/L Account with a Metric Type of Retainage.
Bad Debt - Journal transactions that go against a G/L Account with a Metric Type of Bad Debt.
Unapplied Advances - Journal transactions that go against a G/L Account with a Metric Type of Other Retainer.
Labor % Complete - Fixed Fee % Complete
Hours - Work Hours from Time Sheets

