Employee Reimbursables Detail Accounts Payable>Employee Reimbursables

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The Employee Reimbursables Detail section displays the detail of how the reimbursements were distributed.


Key Concepts

If you are on a new row, F2 duplicates the row from above; otherwise, it copies the row you are on to a new line.


Field Descriptions

1 of ? - This shows the version of the journal entry that you are currently viewing.  This is enabled by checking "Journals" at Global Settings>General Tab>Full Audits.
Current Version Period - The GL Period that the current version of the transaction falls in. A "Change Period for Current Revision" option is located under Tools in the toolbar, allows you to change the current period.
Show Audit Trail - When checked, all entries (including reversing entries) will display. It will also include a line for the header section of the transaction. Auto-reversals and header lines will be grayed out and cannot be altered.  This also displays the Create By, Create Date, Modify By and Modify Date of the transaction.
Rev. No. - The number of the revision of the Journal entry. The original entry is 1.
Project Path -  WBS path. Optional
SJID - Sales Journal ID number if the Disbursement is linked to a Sales Journal (Client Invoice).
Expense Code - Defaults in from vendor setup if also setup on project (Optional). More on Expense Codes
G/L Account -  If expense code is entered, it defaults in either the direct or indirect cost G/L account from the expense code setup, depending on type of project. When project is specified, you are limited to the appropriate direct/indirect cost accounts. More on Chart of Accounts
GL Account Name - Displays the GL Account Name in the detail section. This is optionally shown through the Column Chooser.
GL Period - Displays the GL Period in the detail section. This is optionally shown through the Column Chooser. More on Accounting Periods
Transaction Date - Date of reimbursement line item
Project Name - Displays the Project Name in the detail section. This is optionally shown through the Column Chooser.
Sales Invoice No. - Sales Journal Invoice Number.
Qty - Quantity. This is optionally shown through the Column Chooser by selecting "Quantity and Rate".  When selected, the "Amount" column becomes Read Only and calculates off of the Qty and Unite Rate columns.
Unit rate - Unit cost rate. This is optionally shown through the Column Chooser by selecting "Quantity and Rate".  When selected, the "Amount" column becomes Read Only and calculates off of the Qty and Unite Rate columns.
Amount - Extended amount. Read only. Sum of qty X unit rate.
Ext. Bill Amount - Amount of Employee Reimbursable including the markup.
Bill Status - Name of the Transaction Status.
Bill Status Code - Code of the Transaction Status.
G/L Comments - General ledger comments. Will print on G/L reports in place of comments on header of transactions for this line item.
PM Comments - Project management comments. Appears on project management reports and invoices.