The Employee Information Tabs holds key information for each employee.
Field Descriptions
Below are field descriptions for the Employee Information tab.
** Indicates a required field
Contact Information
• | Attention - Attention line |
• | Work Email - Work email address |
• | Home Email - Home email address |
• | Chat Handle - Handle for instant messaging applications like Slack, Skype, etc. |
• | Mobile Phone - Cell phone number |
• | Work Phone - Work phone number |
• | Work Extension - Work extension |
• | Home Phone - Home phone number |
Personal Information
• | Gender - Employee gender |
• | Hire Date - Employee hire date. Informational only. The Hire Date can have an affect on Benefit Accrual (See Accrue Date). |
• | Accrue Date - Anniversary date for benefit accrual. When running Benefit Accrual, the Accrual types look at the Accrue Date (Hire date if no Accrue Date Entered) to base the accrual on when calculating. |
• | Birthday - Employee date of birth. Informational only |
• | Termination Date - Employee termination date. Informational only |
• | SSN - Employee social security number. Prints as EIN on 1099 - Misc. |
• | Years Experience - Informational only |
Company Information
• | Location - Locations are used to classify time sheets. They are typically used to identify where the actual work was done. Locations are configured via the Locations button from the toolbar. |
• | Job Type - There are three choices of job types: Principal-in-Charge, Project Manager, and Project Accountant. These give special access rights in various areas of the application. Below is a breakdown of special rights per job type for Project reporting and for working in applets like Projects and Project Central: |
o | Project Accountants - Can see all projects |
o | Principals-In-Charge - Can see projects where they are the Principal-In-Charge or Project Manager |
o | Project Managers - Can see only projects where they are the Project Manager |
o | Employees with no job type in their employee setup - Cannot see any projects |
• | Pay Group - Denotes the Payroll Group to which this employee belongs. Payroll Groups are a user-defined list that allows for multiple runs of the Labor Distribution posting procedure. More on Labor Distribution This is used when a company has multiple payrolls. Payroll Groups are managed through Administration>List Management>Payroll Groups. Once established, employees can be assigned to a group. Pay Groups are an optional feature. If you were navigating from the setup page, click here to return to Labor Distribution Setup |
• | ** Timesheet Group - The Time sheet Group in which the employee is a member. The Timesheet Group is used to create time sheets for a group of employees. To learn more bout Timesheet Groups. More on Timesheet Groups |
• | Dashboard Group - The Dashboard Group in which the employee is a member. The Dashboard Group populates the main Dashboard that a user first sees when they login to InFocus. To learn more about Dashboard Groups. More on Dashboard Groups |
• | Time & Expense Template - The Time and Expense template that will auto-fill the employees time sheet. To learn more about Time & Expense Template. More on Time & Expense Templates |
• | Org. Unit - The Organization Unit that the employee is a member of. To learn more about Organizational Units More on Org Units. In order to see this field, you must have the "Uses Organizational Units" check-box checked in Administration>Global Settings>General Tab. The assigned Org. Unit must be at the bottom node. |
• | Subcontractor - Flag indicating if this employee is a subcontractor. The only effect that this check-box has is when using Labor Distribution. If an employee is checked as a Subcontractor, the utility will split the Subcontractor labor from the direct labor. |
• | Firm - Firm with which the subcontractor is associated. This field is activated when the Subcontractor box is checked. |
Custom Grid Columns
• | Can Manage Public Custom Columns - When checked, the employee can manage public custom columns used in various dynamic grids throughout InFocus. Custom Columns are created by clicking the gear icon in the upper left hand corner of dynamic grids. |