Job Titles Tab Human Resources>Employees

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A Job Title describes the position held (or Hat worn) by an employee. Depending on the job, a Job Title can describe the job responsibilities, the level of the job, or both.  Job Titles can have Rates associated with them and can be used in setting up Rate Schedules for specific Projects.  Examples of Job Titles are Architect, Senior Mechanical Engineer, Surveyor, Cad Operator, etc.

Job Titles are assigned to employees via the Job Titles tab. Here, you can assign a single or multiple job titles. Employee job titles are weighted by percentage based the amount of time that employee is expected to work under the given title. The total percentage must equal 100%. Employee job titles can be overridden during Project setup.

Job Titles are created and managed in the Job Titles applet.  To learn more about Job Titles More on Job Titles.



How are they used?

Job Titles are primarily used by time sheets and can impact an employee's bill rate when used in conjunction with a Rate Schedule. When entering time, the assigned job title with the highest percentage will default in. That said, an employee can select any of their assigned job titles when entering time.

Resource Projections utilize assigned Job Titles and their percentages.  To learn more about Resource Projections More on Resource Projections.


Field Descriptions

Below are field descriptions for the Employees Job Titles tab.

Available Job Titles - Job Titles are created and managed in the Job Titles applet.  To learn more about Job Titles More on Job Titles.
Navigation Arrows - Moves a selected job title from the "Available Job Titles" column to the "Current Job Titles" column (and vice verse).
Current Job Titles - List of Job Titles assigned to the employee.

Note: The total percentage must equal 100%.