Invoice Design Utilities>Invoice Design

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The Invoice Design applet is where Invoice Designs are customized in InFocus.      



Key Concepts

An invoice is composed of 2 parts, the UI (InFocus) and the RDL (Microsoft Buisness Intelligence Studio).  A typical customization request is to add a logo to an invoice design. Here is an article that walks you through that process, introducing you to to the concept of the UI and RDL in a hands on way. More on Adding a Logo to an Invoice
InFocus comes with 13 system invoice designs that are available in the Main Invoice Dropdown located at Projects>Billing Tab.  If you want to alter a system invoice design, you must use the System Invoice Design Copy button located on the toolbar. This will bring a copy if the selected invoice design into the Invoice Design section. More on the Invoice Design Tab
InFocus has a unique "snap together" format that makes it easy to tailor invoices to the invoicing needs of your firm. An invoice design is segmented into sections. Each section controls a particular area of an invoice. The sections are managed on the Section Designs Tab. More on the Section Design Tab
An invoice design can have an unlimited number of sections. All section types, except for the Border, can appear multiple times on an invoice; however, no section design can appear twice. The number of sections that are on an invoice and the order of those sections are managed on the Invoice Design Tab. More on the Invoice Design Tab
Section designs can be reused between multiple invoice designs. For example, one Header section can be used throughout many invoice designs.
Invoices can be categorized as labor/combined or expense only. This allows for expenses to be invoiced separately. The Style is controlled on the Invoice Designs Tab. More on the Invoice Design Tab
Invoice designs are assigned to projects on the Bill Terms node (Project Level) at Projects>Billing Tab.
One section, the Coversheet, is used to create a summary of multiple projects on the same invoice. This is accomplished by assigning multiple projects to an Invoice Group (Clients Applet). Coversheet designs are in turn assigned to an Invoice Group. More on Invoice Groups
Each section has both a Layout and Dataset component. Each section has a Dataset that exposes database fields in one or more rows. Some sections, such as Labor, ODC, and OCC, vary the Dataset based on user-selected options.
Other sections, such as Header and Summary, have preset Datasets.
Can flag sections as Do Not Post to allow backup reports to be generated with the invoice.
Can restrict sections to use transactions based on the invoice filter. More on Invoice Filters