OCC Section Utilities>Invoice Design

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OCC sections control OCC transactions that pass through to the invoice. An invoice design can have multiple OCC (Out of Contract Consultant) sections.



Field Descriptions


Textbox - The name of the OCC section can be edited here. Must be unique.
Invoice Filter - The Invoice Filter variable is set here. More on Invoice Filters
Print When Zero - When checked, the section will print regardless if there are any current amounts to be billed.


WBS Level

Show - Number of levels below project level of the WBS to include.

Note - This is the level of the WBS that the OCC will be posted in the Sales Journal Entry.  So in reporting, if you are posting to the top level (0), your billings will be recognized at the top level.

Include Unworked Sub-Levels - When checked, nodes with no billing info will be included in the Dataset. Typically this is used in Not to Exceed invoice designs.


Expense Cap

Drop-down - This is where the expense cap is enforced. The options are Direct Expense and Markup.  You can cap the cost or the billable value.



Direct Expense - When checked, the non-marked up portion of expense will be posted. The cap can be set on the Markup or the Direct Expense.
Markup - When checked, the marked-up portion of Expense will be posted.



Description -  Checking the box simply adds the field to the Dataset in the RDL file.  It does not make the information show up on the section in the invoice.  To have the information show up on the invoice, you must download the section, tweak it, and then upload it back into the system.

ExpCode - Expense Code. More on Expense Codes
ExpName - Expense name
PayeeCode - Vendor or employee code. More on Vendors
PayeeName -  Vendor or employee name
TransDate - Transaction date
TrackNum - Vendor invoice number or employee reimbursable journal ID
Qty - Quantity
UnitRate - Unit Rate
MarkUp -Markup. Depending on type, this can be a multiplier, flat amount, or add-on.
MarkupType - Markup Type. Possibilities are markup (multiplier), flat amount or add on.
PMComments - Project management comments.
Org Code - The Code of the Org. Unit of the Project that the Expense is Against. This is assigned at Projects>Members Tab>Organizational Charging
Org Path - The Path of the Org. Unit of the Project that the Expense is Against.
Org Name - The Name of the Org. Unit of the Project that the Expense is Against.
Org Long Name - The Long Name of the Org. Unit of the Project that the Expense is Against.  The Long Name contains a concatenation of the Parent Org.
LineID - .  This allows for line items transactions to not be grouped based on the non-aggregate field chosen.  For example if you design was showing payee name and date and you had two line items in purchases with the same payee and date the invoice design would automatically summarize them as one line.  By adding this field to the selected columns in the section design the system would then not summarize these.
TransID - This is the internal transaction ID.
GLBaseCode - Code of the Base Code assigned to the Expense.
GLBaseName - Name of the Base Code assigned to the Expense.