Section Features Tab Utilities>Invoice Design

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The Section Features Tab is a tool used in Invoice Design to determine which section to use in an invoice design. By filtering each column a user can narrow down a section to copy.  The funnel at the top of the columns can be used to filter the list.



Field Descriptions

Section - The name of the Section that can be copied from the Section Copy Wizard. More on Invoice Section Descriptions
Hourly Based - When checked, the section is an Hourly Section.  When unchecked, it is a Fixed Fee or Lump Sum.
Use Bill Rate - Hourly Based Only.  When checked, the section uses Bill Rates for it's labor effort.  When unchecked, it uses Cost numbers with multipliers.
Sublevels - Denotes the level of the WBS the section displays. 0=Project, 1=Phase, 2=Task
Labor Cap Type - Denotes sections that enforce a labor cap.