Filter Window Accounts Receivable>PA Bill Review

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The filter window is available to assist in narrowing down your search.

Field Descriptions

Filter Window (Grid)

Path - Project Path
Name - Project Name


Filter Window (Bottom)

Quick Filter (Text Box) - A Quick Filter is at the top of the panel.  This will filter projects whose path begins with the entered characters.
As of Date - Used as a cut-off date to limit the transactions that you are reviewing.
Project Leader - Depending on the selection in the Limit To drop-down, projects that have the selected leader as the Leader type will be returned.
Limit To - When checked (and the Project Leader drop-down is filled out), only projects, where the stated Project Leader is a project manager, will be returned.
Show Only PM Reviewed - When checked, only projects that have the PM Reviewed check-box checked will be returned.
Has Fixed Fee - When checked, only projects that have Fixed Fee values will be returned.
Has WIP - When checked, only projects that have WIP values will be returned.
Load - When selected, all projects that match the filter criteria will fill into the Filter Window.


Additional Field Descriptions (Column Chooser)

Filter Window Grid

Client - Client associated with the Project.
WIP - Total WIP
PA Reviewed - Check-box that displays the PA Reviewed status.
PM Reviewed - Check-box that displays the PM Reviewed status.
Do Not Bill - Check-box that displays the Do Not Bill status.
Retainer - Retainer Amount
Last Invoice Date - Date of the last invoice (Sales Journal) against the selected project.