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Pies can be used to reflect segments of values and their contribution to a whole.



Adding Data


Data fields are bound to Pie Charts by dragging them to the Data Items Pane as Values, Arguments or a Series.


Additionally, Hidden Data Items can be used for additional configurations, such as filtering, without displaying the field on the Dashboard Item.


Working with Pie Data


Each Dashboard Item has different requirements for the data you add to it. Pie Charts use Values, Arguments and Series.


Each Data Item can be formatted by hovering over the item and clicking the options icon (right aligned down arrow).


Values - Represent the measure used in determining pie segments (e.g. how the pie is divided)
Argument - Data Item for which the value is calculated (e.g. how the pie is labeled)
Series - Data Item for which the pie chart is displayed. This allows you to see the contribution of value per argument across multiple pies.


Consider the following example for viewing Employee Utilization.





Hours (Sum)

Charge Type

Employee Name


This will reflect a pie chart showing each employee’s sum/percent of hours broken out by charge type.


TIP: If you’ve added data but don’t see it reflected, click the Refresh button above the Field List in the Data Browser (left-hand pane of the designer).





Data added to pie charts is automatically formatted based on their data type. That said, formats can be edited by clicking Options from the data item (Options Button- down arrow - becomes visible when hovering over the data field in the Data Items pane).


For instance, if using a percentage, you would likely need to change the format to type: Percent. Likewise, if using a date as your series, you may want to see that broken out in to quarters or months (etc.)


Numbers / Currency


To change the format for numbers or currency, hover over the data item in the Data Items pane and complete the following:


1.Click the Options button (down arrow)
2.Select Format…
3.Configure settings as appropriate (see below)
4.Click OK


Format Type - Defaults to Auto. Options include: General, Number, Currency, Scientific, Percent.
Unit - Unit to which values should be converted
Precision - Defines the decimals to display
Currency - Defaults to Dashboard global currency setting. Specific currency settings can be set here.
Culture - Defines the currency cultures for currencies with multiple cultures
Include group separator - Displays a comma between each numeric group (e.g. 1,000,000.00)


Date Values


Date Values have several display options, listed when clicking the Options button. To change display settings, hover over the data item in the Data Items pane and complete the following:


1.Click the Options button (down arrow)
2.Select the Date type (e.g. Year, Quarter, etc)
3.Optionally set the Format
oFull (e.g. Month = October, etc.)
oAbbreviated (e.g. Month = Oct, etc.)
oNumeric (e.g. Month = 10, etc.)
oLong (e.g. Date-Hour = Saturday, October 15, 2016 10:57pm (en-US))
oShort (e.g. Date-Hour = 10/15/2016 10:57pm (en-US))
oTime Only (e.g. Date-Hour = 10:57pm (en-US))




Pie Charts support the ability to transpose arguments and series. This effectively swaps data items listed as Arguments and Series (and vice versa).


To transpose, simply click the Transpose button located on the toolbar in the Items section of the Home Tab.



Pie Chart Tools


Charts feature a specific set of design and data tools, available from the toolbar (some options are also available by right-clicking the chart).


All toolbar items feature tool tips which explain (in short) the core functionality of the toolbar option.


Data Tab


The Data Tab includes several options for data shaping.


Note, for Master Filters and Drill Down, Pie Charts support filtering and drill down by Argument or Series.


Edit Filter - Use to add/edit filters on the grid based on displayed or Hidden Data Items.
Clear - Clears all filters
Single Master Filter - This sets the selected Dashboard Item (e.g. Pie Chart, etc) as a Master Filter for all other dashboard items. Using a Single Master Filter you can only filter by one element in the selected item (e.g. a pie segment)
oSingle Master Filter is further defined by the Target Dimension which determines which Data Items can be used as filters. For example, setting the Target Dimension to Argument allows the user to filter other Dashboard Items by Arguments represented on the Pie Chart.
Multiple Master Filter - This sets the selected Dashboard Item (e.g. Pie Chart, etc) as a Master Filter for all other dashboard items. Using a Multiple Master Filter you can filter by one or more elements in the selected item (e.g. multiple segments in a pie chart)
oMultiple Master Filter is further defined by the Target Dimension which determines which Data Items can be used as filters. For example, setting the Target Dimension to Argument allows the user to filter other Dashboard Items by Arguments represented on the Pie Chart.
Drill Down - Enables drill-in details for the Dashboard Item. For Pie Charts, list multiple Arguments or Series in order of detail - least to most. When enabled the pie will reflect data for the top argument or series, allowing you to click through to each subsequent argument or series, displaying values in relation to each. Whether to drill down using Argument or Series is determined by the Target Dimension.
Cross Data-Source Filtering - Allows a Master Filter to affect data items displaying data from other data sources.
Ignore Master Filter - Dashboard Items can interact with other dashboard items marked as a Master Filter. Clicking Ignore Master Filter removes interactivity.
Arguments - Sets the target dimension for filters and/or drill down to displayed Arguments
Series - Sets the target dimension for filters and/or drill down to displayed Series
Points - Sets the target dimension for filters (only) to displayed Points


Design Tab


Pie Charts allow the following design options.


Show Caption - Shows/Hides the caption (e.g. “Grid 1” displayed at the top left of the dashboard item).
Edit Names - Used to configure display name for the Dashboard Item
Auto Arrange - Automatically arranges the pie series to fit the dimensions of the dashboard item.
Arrange in Columns - Arranges the pie charts in a defined number of columns- configured by the Count ticker.
Arrange in Rows - Arranges the pie charts in a defined number of rows- configured by the Count ticker.
Data Labels - Defines if (and if so how) labels should display on the pie chart(s)
Tooltips - Defines if (and if so how) tooltips should display on the pie chart(s). Tooltips contain information displayed only when hovering over a segment of the pie chart.
Show Pie Captions - Show/Hide the series label (e.g. label listed above the pie chart)
Pie & Donut - Defines if the Pie Chart should be displayed as a pie or a donut.
Global Colors - A global color scheme colors identical data items similarly across all dashboard items
Local Colors - A local color scheme sets colors for the selected data item only
Edit Colors - Edits the Global or Local Color Scheme