Transaction Tab Project Management>PM Bill Review

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The Transactions tab is used by project managers to review time and expense on a project-by-project basis prior to approving for invoicing.



Key Concepts

When a project has Labor and Expenses associated with it, a Project Manager can review it here. Once all transactions have been reviewed and appropriate entries made, the project manager should mark the project as Reviewed.
To see Transactions for a specific project, click on the project in the Filter Window.
When selected, the Transactions Tab displays the transactions entered against the project.
Comments can be made both at the project level and the transaction level.
Columns in the detail grid can be dragged to change order.


Field Descriptions

Arrange By

Arrange By - The drop-down allows you to select different ways in which you would like to see the Transaction detail grouped. The options are Journal, Project Path, Bill Status, Transaction Date and None.


Transactions Grid

Journal - Journal of the transaction.
Name - Name of the Project Manager assigned to the project.
S - Bill Status. This shows the Bill Status of the transaction.
Labor/Exp. Code - Displays the Labor Code for Labor and Expense Code for Expenses. More on Labor Codes More on Expense Codes
Project Path - Project Path of the transaction.
Transaction Date - Date of the Transaction.
Bill Rate/MU - Displays the Bill Rate for Labor and the Marked Up rate for Expenses.
Units/Hrs - Displays the Hours for Labor and Units for Expenses.
Amount - Amount of the Transaction
Time/Expense Comments - Displays the PM Comments entered on the transaction.
Instructions To Biller - These are internal notes intended for the Project Accountant. As the invoicing period is changed, the comments are saved, however, they are blank for the new period.
ICC Amount - ICC Effort Amount. Enabled at Global Settings>A/R Tab>PA/PM Bill Review Settings
Never Bill - Never Bill Amount. Enabled at Global Settings>A/R Tab>PA/PM Bill Review Settings
Writeoff - Writeoff Amount. Enabled at Global Settings>A/R Tab>PA/PM Bill Review Settings


Additional Field Descriptions (Column Chooser)

Transactions Grid

Project Name - Name of the Project
Project Long Name - Name of the project including the concatenation of the lower nodes of the project.
Job Code - Job Title Code - More on Job Titles
Job Name - Job Title Name
Labor/Exp. Name - Displays the Labor Name for Labor and Expense Name for Expenses
OT - Overtime