Purchasing Special Rights

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Below is a list of special rights for applets found in the Purchasing module.


Can create Purchase Journal - Enables Convert to Purchase Journal toolbar button
Can issue Purchase Order - Enables the Issue toolbar button
Can set Not Received - Allows the user to edit line-item receipt status
Can set Received - Enables the Received toolbar button
Can cancel a Purchase Order - Enables the Cancel toolbar button, allowing the user to cancel an Issued Purchase Order.
Can edit after Issued - Allows a user to edit the Purchase Journal after it has been issued for fulfillment
Can Override X-rates - Allows a user to manually override exchange rates for multi-currency environments
Change Key Fields - Allows a user to change required fields on a Purchase Order after it has been Issued
Edit Grid - When checked, the user can edit information in the grid if he does not already have the Standard Edit right checked for the applet. Not checking the Standard Edit, but instead checking the Edit Grid right, allows personnel to modify transaction line items without affecting the overall balance or header information of the transaction. When the Standard Edit is already checked, the Edit Grid right is of no consequence.