The Rate Editor allows you to Edit and Add line items to a Rate Schedule.
Key Concepts
• | By leaving Employee blank means that any employee will be a match on the row. |
• | By leaving Job Title blank means that any Job Title will be a match on the row. |
• | By leaving both Employee and Job Title blank means that all time entries will match if there are no other matches. Typically, a final row will be added with both blank that will catch all of the non-matching time sheet entries. If this row is not added, then the Employee file is used to get this number. |
Field Descriptions
Employee / Job Title
• | Employee - Employee to match; left blank, any employee is a match. |
• | Job Title - Job Title to be matched; left blank, any job title is a match. |
Use Flat Rates
• | Use Flats Rates - When checked, the rates in this section will be used as a Flat Rate ignoring the multipliers. When unchecked, multipliers will be used. |
• | Regular - Overriding Flat Rate for regular time. |
• | Premium - Overriding Flat Rate for premium time (Overtime). |
• | DPE - Multiplier that represents the Direct Personnel Expense when calculating the rate. |
• | OH - Multiplier that represents the Overhead when calculating the rate. |
• | Profit - Multiplier that represents the Profit when calculating the rate. |
• | Apply Multipliers on Premium Portion - When checked, the premium portion of overtime is marked up. |
o | For Example, An Employee gets paid $10/hr straight time and $15/hr OT. The billing multiplier is 3.0. When apply MU on Premium is true formula on overtime item is $15*3=$45. When apply MU on Premium is false formula on overtime item is ($10*3)+$5=$35
Base Rates (Regular and Premium)
• | Override Regular Rate - When checked, the entered in the "Pay Rate" field will be used as the Pay Rate. Otherwise the employee regular Pay Rate is used from the Employee File. |
• | Pay Rate - Pay Rate to be used when "Override Regular Rate" is checked. |
• | Override Premium Multipliers - When selected, the OT Multipliers selected below the button are used. |
• | Override Premium Rates - When selected, the Employee Premium (Overtime) rates selected below the button are used. |