Retainer Wizard Accounts Receivable>Receipt Journal

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The Retainer Wizard is a quick and easy way to enter and post an advanced payment.


Key Concepts

When you use the Wizard, both a Sales and Receipt Journal entry are created.
When you finally want to apply the retainer, just add it to the "Current Retainer" box in PA Bill Review. More on PA Bill Review
You can view this video to see the Retainer Wizard in use - More on Retainer Wizard

Field Descriptions

Bank - Bank Account used in the Header of the Receipt when creating the journal entry.
A/R Account - A/R Account used in the Header of the Sales Journal when creating the entry.
Retainer Account - The Retainer Account used in the Detail of the Sales Journal when creating the entry.
Client - Client used when creating both transactions.
Project - Project used when creating both transactions.
Invoice Number -  The invoice number populates the following areas:
oReceipt Journal - Invoice No. in the detail section.
oSales Journal - Invoice Number in the Header section.
Comments - This comment populates the G/L Comments/Comments box in both transactions.
Check Number - The Check Number populates the "Check Number" box located in the Header of the Receipt Journal.
Check/Invoice Date - The Check/Invoice Date populates the following:
oReceipt Journal - "Check Date" located in the Header of the Receipt Journal.
oSales Journal - "Invoice Date" located in the Header of the Sales Journal.
Deposit Date - The Deposit Date populates the  "Check Date" located in the Header of the Receipt Journal.
Deposit Number - The Deposit Number populates the  "Check Number" located in the Header of the Receipt Journal.
G/L Period - This G/L Period populates the G/L Period in both transactions.
Amount -   This Amount populates the Amount in both transactions.