Toolbar Project Administration>Projects

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The Projects Toolbar gives the user (if given the appropriate permissions) numerous capabilities within the Projects applet. Below is a list of those capabilities.




The InFocus Toolbar is dynamically built in accordance with the active applet on the screen. More on Toolbar Options


Additional Toolbar Options

oProject Figures - Launches the Project Figures report for the currently loaded record.
Tools - Lists advanced options
oProject Members Wizard - Opens a pop-up that walks you through setting up your team members on a project. More on the Project Team Members Wizard.
oProject Level Labels - Opens a pop-up containing an editable list of Project Level Labels. More on Project Level Labels
Project Level Labels - Opens a pop-up containing an editable list of Project Level Labels. More on Project Level Labels.


Project Plan - Opens up the Project Planning applet with the currently loaded project loaded.


Print All Projects - Runs the Project List Report. More on the Project List Report