Action Descriptions (System) Utilities>Custom Reports

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Here are the system Actions



Report Descriptions

Add a Vendor: Action dialogue to add a new Vendor available from Purchase Journal and Vendor applet toolbars.
Add G/L Accounts to New Org Unit: Inserts G/L Accounts for specified Organizational Unit to defined account types.
Auto-create Expense Sheet from Time (Project Level): Creates Expense Sheet from Time Sheet at the Project level
Auto-create Expense Sheet from Time (WBS Level): Creates Expense Sheet from Time Sheet at a specified Project level
Bank Transfer Using Disbursement and Receipt: Completes a bank transfer using the Disbursements/Receipts Journals
Bank Transfer Using General Journal: Completes a bank transfer using two General Journal transactions.
Change G/L Period (Any Period): Changes G/L Period for a specified Journal Transaction.
Change G/L Period (Open Periods Only): Changes G/L Period for a specified Journal Transaction (only allows open G/L Periods)
Change Mileage Rate: Versions all expense groups with a supplied effective date and updates the unit rate for the supplied expense code.
Close Multiple Accounting Years: Closes accounting years by specified date range and accounting method
Compress Time Sheet and Combine Comments: Creates summarized Time Sheet for specified TimeID
Convert Project Fee Type: Converts fee type from Fixed Fee to Hourly or vice verse for specified Project
Copy Projects From Timesheet (Project Level): Creates an expense sheet line item(s) for a specified Expense Sheet for the Projects (Bill Terms Level), Bill Statuses, Work Dates of a specified Time Sheet.
Copy Projects From Timesheet (WBS Level): Creates an expense sheet line item(s) for a specified Expense Sheet for the Projects, Bill Statuses, Work Dates of a specified Time Sheet.
Create a Simple PM Report: Action dialogue to create a PM Report.
Deactivate Employee: Deactivates, resets password, ends pay history, removes from project teams, deletes group memberships and clears special rights for specified employee and termination date.
Enter a Vendor Invoice: Action dialogue to create a Vendor Invoice
Modify Previous Billed On A Project without Affecting the General Ledger: Creates General Journal entry to Project with offsetting entry to G/L Account
Open an Historical Year: Creates G/L Period for specified historical Fiscal Year
Open New G/L Period: As titled with relevant parameters.
Override Employee Job Title on a Project: Adds job title override for specified employee/project. Will also update Time Sheets, Bill Rates if specified.
Prevent expense sheet from being saved if amount to be reimbursed is different than charge amount: As titled.
Prevent Overtime with less than 40 or 80 hours: Raises system error during time entry to govern the point at which overtime can be charged.
Quick Employee Add: Action dialogue to add an employee
Quick G/L Account Add: Action dialogue to add a G/L account
Quick Project Add: Action dialogue to add a Project
Quick Project Add from Template: Action dialogue to add a Project from a WBS Template.
Quick Vendor Add: Action dialogue to add a Vendor
Refund Retainer: Action dialogue to refund an existing retainer.
Reopen Expense Sheet: Reopens an unapproved expense sheet.
Reopen Time Sheet: Reopens an unapproved time sheet.
Set Start and End Dates for a Level 2 Node: Establishes expense start and end dates for a specified Project Level two. Also updates the parent project expense start and end dates.
Test Employee for Allowable Time Entry: Reports whether or not an employee can charge time to a specified Project node. Also reports charge organization information.
Void a Check: Action dialogue to void a check.