Time Sheets

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Time entry is a core process in InFocus. Entered by each employee and/or consultant, timesheets have a direct impact on billing, project reporting and utilization. The Time Sheets applet gives you the tools you need to record time quickly and accurately.


Time Sheets in InFocus Web, gives you on-the-go access to submit hours timely and with ease.


Note Time Sheets available in InFocus Web are created by your administrator.


How to Enter/Submit Time


Time is entered by selecting a time sheet from the time sheet menu (described below) and using the project cards to enter hours and related comments.


Time Sheet rows are visualized as cards which provide you with basic project information and a clear space for entering time. Projects can be added, copied, edited or deleted from the list of available cards. Optionally, cards can be collapsed or expanded to optimize your viewing space.


1. Select a time sheet period

2. Add Projects to your time sheet

3. Enter hours and related comments for each day in the time sheet period as appropriate

4. Click Save

5. Once all time is entered and accurate, click Submit


Your time sheet has been submitted.



Field Descriptions


Time Sheet Header


Note Items listed here are presented as icons when viewing from a mobile device. Mobile view icons are listed below in parenthesis. Certain options will be accessed from the menu to the right of the time cards when working in full app view.


Time Sheet Menu (hamburger icon) - Selects a time sheet to load for time entry. For full app view, this is accessed from the drop down arrow at the top of the header.
Time Sheet Summary - Contains summary information for the loaded time sheet.
Show Overtime (red split icon) - Click to enable Overtime entry as appropriate.
Collapse (arrows icon) - Collapses the project cards
Add Project (plus icon) - Adds a project to the time sheet. Projects are added by searching existing Work Orders or Projects. Projects can be searched by name or by project code. Options also exist to search Recent, Scheduled or Projects Near Me.
Group/Sort By (up and down arrows icon) - Gives the ability to adjust the grouping and sorting of the project cards on the time sheet.
oGroup by Client, Labor Code or Project
oSort by Project Path, Job Title, Labor Code or Location
Search/Filter (magnifying glass) - Filters the time sheet cards as specified.


Time Card Options


Check Box (upper left) - Selects the specified card for performing row actions such as Copy or Delete.
Time Entry Boxes - Used for entering hours
Comments - Used for entering comments for the associated hours. Optionally, comments can be applied to all weekdays in the week.
Card Menu (upper right of card)
oCollapse - Collapses the individual card
oEdit - Edits the Card information (e.g. Work Order, Project, Job Title, Labor Core, Location).
oCopy - Copies the card
oDelete - Deletes the card


Time Sheet Footer


Note Items listed here are presented as icons when viewing from a mobile device. Certain options will be accessed from the menu to the right of the time cards when working in full app view.


Refresh - Refreshes the applet
Reports & Actions (lightening icon) - Used to access a list of your available reports and actions. Note, available reports and actions are governed by permissions in InFocus Desktop.
Save/Submit - Click to save and/or submit your time sheet. Note, these buttons are presented separately when viewing the full app.


Additional Options for Full App View


When working in full app view, the following options are broken out as menu items to the left/right of the time cards.


Time Sheets (left)


Documents - Click to view attachments


Information (left)


Documents - Click to view attachments
Benefit Balances - Click to view benefit project balances such as Vacation
Billable Percentage - Click to view utilization breakdown


Row Actions


Row Actions are listed to the right of the time cards when in full app view. These are accessed in mobile view by selecting a time card(s).


Copy - Copies the selected card(s) and adds copies to the bottom of the card view.
Delete - Deletes the selected card(s)


Grouping & Sorting


Gives the ability to adjust the grouping and sorting of the cards on the time sheet.


Group by - Client, Labor Code or Project
Sort by - Project Path, Job Title, Labor Code or Location


Reports & Actions


Used to access a dynamic list of available reports and actions. Note, available reports and actions are governed by permissions in InFocus via UT>Custom Reports.