The Time sheet Adjustments Journal is used to make adjustments against an already existing time sheet. New time sheets cannot be entered here.
Key Concepts
• | Once a time sheet has been modified, it can no longer be sent back to the manager or owner (time sheet rejection). |
• | Time sheet adjustments are most commonly used to move hours between projects. This is usually done by someone in the Accounts Receivable department. |
Note: Modifications to the time sheet via time sheet adjustments will not effect the original version of the time sheet.
• | Giving TA Permissions - While a user can be given rights to make time sheet adjustments, the sum of the adjustments must not alter the original hours and cost worked figures. This can be prevented by not giving the user the standard Edit or Delete rights in Time sheet Adjustments. Instead, grant only Edit Grid permission. |
o | Enabled - If Full Audit is enabled in Global Settings>General Tab>Full Audits, any change to critical data (Project, Home, or Charge Org Unit, Work Hours or the Dollar Amount that is used for Distribution) will result in the system recording an automatic reversing entry and storing your changes as a new item. |
o | Disabled - If not enabled, the prior automatic adjustment will occur only if this line item has already been processed by Labor Distribution. |
• | The normal mode of operation in Time sheet Adjustments is for the user to record only hours when entering time items. The system automatically calculates rates, multipliers, and extended amounts. Any calculated stored information for a line item can be overridden. The system does not, however, make the automatic calculations. The user must change the extended amount if a rate is changed manually. |
Additional Toolbar Options
Aside from the standard toolbar options this applet has the following options:
• | Time sheet - Additional Time sheet options. |
o | Send Back to Manager - When selected, the time sheet is marked as Unapproved so that the Time sheet Approver can make additional changes in the Time sheets applet. |
o | Send Back to Owner - When selected, the time sheet is marked as Unapproved so that the Employee can make additional changes in the Time sheets applet. |
Note - If a time sheet is marked as Billed, these options will be deactivated.
• | View - Additional View Options |
o | Project Name - When selected, the Project Name will display in the Time sheet Adjustments grid. |
o | SJID - When selected, the SJID (Sales Journal Unique Identifier) will display in the Time sheet Adjustments grid. |
o | Sales Invoice No. - When selected, the Sales Invoice No. will display in the Time sheet Adjustments grid. |
• | Print Original - When clicked, the Time sheet Report will print displaying the original time sheet. |