Balance Sheet (Rolling 12 Month)

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The Balance Sheet (Rolling 12 Month) Report is a statement of the companies financial position, which states the Assets, Liabilities and Owner's Equity (Capital) for a 12 month period (G/L Period). When you select a G/L Period, that period, and the prior 11 periods, are displayed on the report.  Additionally, you are given the ability to see all "drill-down" into each account on the report.  The blue hyperlink indicates where you can do this.


Data: That data is collected from the Sales, Receipt (Cash and Accrual), General, Purchase, Disbursement (Cash and Accrual), Employee Reimbursable and MC Revaluations (Multi-Currency only) Journals.




Date Ranges

G/L period - The cut-off G/L Period for the report.  All returned data falls on or before the selected G/L Period.



Org Unit - When selected, the data is filtered to display only the specified Organizational Unit, and its children Orgs.
Cash Basis - When checked, the report reports on a Cash Basis. What that means is that the report looks at the the Cash Basis Journals (CBReceipts & CBDisbursements) instead of the Accrual Basis Journals (Receipts & Disbursements). Note: The Cash Basis Journals are populated by running the Cash Basis Conversion Utility.
Consolidate - When selected, All of the Organizational Units are consolidated into one line instead of being broken out into their respective Org. Units.
Show Base Code - When selected, the Base Code of the G/L Account is displayed in addition to the Full GL Account Name.
Currency Type - The Type of Currency to be used when running the report. Options are Base, Company, Project and Transaction.
Currency Code - The Currency Code to be used when running the report. Options are set in the Multi-Currency applet. More on Multi-Currency
Include Realized Gains Losses - When selected, Realized Gains Losses are includes in the returned data (Multi-Currency only). More on MC Revaluations
Include Unrealized Gains Losses - When selected, Unrealized Gains Losses are includes in the returned data (Multi-Currency only). More on MC Revaluations


Report Columns

Base Code - Only displays when "Show Base Code" is checked. This is the G/L Code of the Account.
Account Name - The full Account Name of the G/L Account.
Amount (per period)  - The amounts reflected on this report are cost amounts.


Drill-through Report

Balance Forward - The balance of the account coming into this G/L Period.
TransID - ID number of the transaction.
TransDate - Invoice Date (Purchase,Employee Reimbursable), Check Date (Disbursement), or WorkDate (Time Sheets) depending on the Journal being reported on.
Invoice/Check - Depending on the Journal, this column will display either the Invoice or Check Number. Invoice Number (Sales, Purchase), Check Number (Receipt, Disbursement).
Description - Firm Name, Employee Name or Payee Name depending on the Journal.
Amount - The amounts reflected on this report are cost numbers.
Ending Balance - The balance of the account going out of this G/L Period.