Bill Review

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The Bill Review Report returns the pertinent information to assist Project Managers and Billers in reviewing their projects for billing purposed.  The report must be enabled in Global Settings (A/R tab) to enable this feature.


Data:  Transactional Data (Time Sheets, Purchase Journal, Employee Reimbursables Journal, Disbursement Journal), (A/R Data) Sales Journal,  Receipt Journal, General Journal), Project Data (Projects/Project Planning)


Note: This report honors Project Roles Filtering. Form more details read this article CLICK HERE.


Global Settings: There are number of Global Settings that have an effect on this report. Here is a list of those settings and the effect that they can have.

G/L Period End Date (Invoicing Tab) - When selected, all reimbursable (non-labor) transactions are "cut-off" through the Invoice G/L Period.  When Transaction Date is used, those transactions are "cut-off" using the "As-of Date" when running the report.

 Include: Never Bill (A/R Tab) - When selected, a section displaying Never Bill (N) charges will appear on the Bill Review report.

 Include: Write Off (A/R Tab) - When selected, a section displaying Write Off (W) charges will appear on the Bill Review report.

 Include: In-Contract Consultants (ICC) (A/R Tab) - When selected, a section displaying In-Contract Consultants (ICC) charges will appear on the Bill Review report.






As of Date - The As-of Date is the date used to cut-off the transactions being returned to the report.
Project (Required) - The Project that the data is being returned for.




Report Columns


Project - Project Code and Name.
Client (info) - When "Use Client's Bill-To" is selected on the Projects> Billing Tab, the bill to address will come from Clients> General Tab> Bill To section. Otherwise, the  address will come from Projects> Billing Tab> Custom Bill To Address
Billing Description - The Invoice Comments that come from either the Invoice Comments window in PA Bill Review or the Invoice Comments box from Projects> Billing Tab> Invoice Comments section.
P.O.# - The PO Number that comes from Projects> Billing Tab> Invoicing section.
Prin. -  The Principal In Charge of the Project that comes Projects> Members Tab> Project Leaders section.
P.M. - The Project Manager of the Project that comes Projects> Members Tab> Project Leaders section.
Rate Schedule - The main Rate Schedule associated with the project. Note: This is the Top-Level only. If you have Rate Schdules assigned to lower nodes of the project, they will not show.
Retainer Balance


Unbilled Detail section

Job Title / Exp. Code - The Job Title Name associated with the time sheet and Expense Code associated with non-labor transactions that have a Bill Status of Ready to Bill (R) and Hold (H).
Date - The Work Date associated with the time sheet and Transaction Date associated with non-labor transactions that have a Bill Status of Ready to Bill (R) and Hold (H).
Hrs./ Units -  The Work Hours associated with the time sheet and Quantity (Units) associated with non-labor transactions that have a Bill Status of Ready to Bill (R) and Hold (H).
Rate -  The Bill Rate associated with the time sheet and Unit Rate associated with non-labor transactions that have a Bill Status of Ready to Bill (R) and Hold (H).
Markup - The Markup associated with non-labor transactions that have a Bill Status of Ready to Bill (R) and Hold (H).
Hold - The Amount associated with the transactions with a status of Hold (H).
Ready - The Amount associated with the transactions with a status of Ready to Bill (R).


Never Bill / Write Off section

Job Title / Exp. Code - The Job Title Name associated with the time sheet and Expense Code associated with non-labor transactions that have a Bill Status of Never Bill (N) or Write off (W).
Date - The Work Date associated with the time sheet and Transaction Date associated with non-labor transactions that have a Bill Status of Never Bill (N) or Write off (W).
Hrs./ Units -  The Work Hours associated with the time sheet and Quantity (Units) associated with non-labor transactions that have a Bill Status of Never Bill (N) or Write off (W).
Rate -  The Bill Rate associated with the time sheet and Unit Rate associated with non-labor transactions that have a Bill Status of Never Bill (N) or Write off (W).
Markup - The Markup associated with non-labor transactions that have a Bill Status of Never Bill (N) or Write off (W).
Hold - The Amount associated with the transactions with a status of Never Bill (N) or Write off (W).


Unbilled Summary

Labor - The summary of Unbilled Labor Bill Amounts (Bill Status of R and H) at the specific levels of the WBS (Work Breakdown Structure).
ODC - The summary of Unbilled Other Direct Charges (ODC) Bill Amounts (Bill Status of R and H) at the specific levels of the WBS (Work Breakdown Structure).
OCC - The summary of Unbilled Out-of-Contract Consulting Charges (OCC) Bill Amounts (Bill Status of R and H) at the specific levels of the WBS (Work Breakdown Structure).
ICC - The summary of Unbilled In-Contract Consulting Charges (OCC) Bill Amounts (Bill Status of R and H) at the specific levels of the WBS (Work Breakdown Structure).


Project-to-Date Labor Metrics

% Comp. - Fixed Fee Percent Complete. Only when there are Fixed Fee contract amounts.
Contract - Fixed Fee or Labor Contract amounts.
Budget - Labor Budget Amounts. These come from Project Planning.
Effort - Labor Cost at the Billing Rate.
Billed - Billed Amount. This is the amount posted to the Sales Journal, so this may not match the Effort column in the case of Fixed Fee or Labor Contract situations.


Project-to-Date Other Direct Charges (ODC) Metrics

Contract - Other Direct Charge (ODC) Contract amounts.
Budget - Other Direct Charge (ODC) Budget Amounts. These come from Project Planning.
Effort - Other Direct Charge (ODC) Cost at the Marked-up Rate.
Billed - Billed Amount. This is the amount posted to the Sales Journal, so this may not match the Effort column in the case of Other Direct Charge (ODC) Contract situations.


Project-to-Date Out-of-Contract Consultants (OCC) Metrics

Contract - Out-of Contract Consultant (OCC) Contract amounts.
Budget - Out-of Contract Consultant (OCC) Budget Amounts. These come from Project Planning.
Effort - Out-of Contract Consultant (OCC) Cost at the Marked-up Rate.
Billed - Billed Amount. This is the amount posted to the Sales Journal, so this may not match the Effort column in the case of Out-of Contract Consultant (OCC) Contract situations.


Project-to-Date In-Contract Consultants (ICC) Metrics

Contract - In Contract Consultant (ICC) Contract amounts.
Budget - In Contract Consultant (ICC) Budget Amounts. These come from Project Planning.
Effort - In Contract Consultant (ICC) Cost at the Marked-up Rate.
Billed - Billed Amount. This is the amount posted to the Sales Journal, so this may not match the Effort column in the case of In Contract Consultant (ICC) Contract situations.



Invoice No - Invoice Number from the Invoice (Sales Journal)
Date - Invoice Date associated with the Invoice (Sales Journal)
Billed - Amount Billed on the Invoice (Sales Journal)
Received - Amount Received against the Invoice  (Sales Journal)
Balance - Outstanding amount left for the client to pay on the Invoice (Sales Journal)
Days Old - The age of the outstanding Invoice (Sales Journal)

