Filter Elements

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Filter Elements, like Range Filters, act as master filters for other items on the dashboard.


Use Filter Elements singularly or in conjunction with others to create filtering for the dashboard.


Filter Elements include:


Combo Box - Drop-down that contains a pick list of items. Each item in the drop-down is made up of one or many dimensions.
List Box - Presents a list of values
Tree View - Presents a list of values in a collapsible tree structure



Working with Filter Element Data


Each Dashboard Item has different requirements for the data you add to it.


Filter Elements rely on Dimensions used for filtering other dashboard items by the corresponding values, such as Employee Name, Project Path, etc.


Additionally, Hidden Data Items can be used for additional configurations, such as filtering, without displaying the field on the Dashboard Item.




Filter Elements can be used hierarchically by creating a Group (available from the toolbar) and then adding the Filter Elements to it. This would allow you to filter, for instance, based on a hierarchy like Project>Employee>Work Date. Note, Ignore Master Filters (see below) would have to be disabled for subservient Filter Elements (the filter elements holding Employee and Work Date in the example listed here).





Data added to range filters is automatically formatted based on the data type. That said, formats can be edited by clicking the Options button (down arrow) seen when hovering over the data item.


Date Values


For instance, Date Values have several display options. To change display settings, hover over the data item and complete the following:


1.Click the Options button (down arrow)
2.Select the Date type (e.g. Year, Quarter, etc)
3.Optionally set the Format
oFull (e.g. Month = October, etc.)
oAbbreviated (e.g. Month = Oct, etc.)
oNumeric (e.g. Month = 10, etc.)
oLong (e.g. Date-Hour = Saturday, October 15, 2016 10:57pm (en-US))
oShort (e.g. Date-Hour = 10/15/2016 10:57pm (en-US))
oTime Only (e.g. Date-Hour = 10:57pm (en-US))



Filter Element Tools


Filter Elements feature a specific set of design and data tools, available from the toolbar (some options are also available by right-clicking the chart).


All toolbar items feature tool tips which explain (in short) the core functionality of the toolbar option.


Data Tab


The Data Tab includes several options for data shaping.


Edit Filter - Use to add/edit filters on the grid based on displayed or Hidden Data Items.
Clear - Clears all filters
Cross Data-Source Filtering - Allows a Master Filter to affect data items displaying data from other data sources.
Ignore Master Filter - Filter Elements can interact with other dashboard items marked as a Master Filter. Clicking Ignore Master Filter removes interactivity.


Design Tab


Filter Elements allow the following design options.


Show Caption - Shows/Hides the caption (e.g. “Grid 1” displayed at the top left of the dashboard item).
Edit Names - Used to configure display name for the Dashboard Item
Standard - Configures pick lists with radio buttons. This limits the filter to a single value
Checked - Configures pick lists with check boxes. This allows multiple values per filter.
Show ‘All’ Value - Enables the “All” option in pick lists.